Richo and Bernard are going backwards? Are you having a laugh?
Two of the most exciting signings in recent history, two players that are making it an enjoyable experience going to Goodison again, actually getting people off of their seats, two blokes who fans are singing about and you reckon they are going backwards???? Words fail me.
Not saying they're bad players or bad signings.
And agree with you they are exciting but they are not exactly lighting it up at the moment.
Just reckon their forms dropped.
Could be a number of reasons for that.
They've been expected to do a lot of running and it could be showing in the legs.
They're getting roughed up a bit. They're both being targeted.
They're probably not playing in their best positions or system that suits them best.
The change in tactics/opponents from one game to the next may be a reason - this can be an issue in a new team still trying to find its way - and they're roles are the ones with the most adapting and level of difficulty; trying to counter one game, pick the lock the next.
Trying to adapt to all this, its natural your form is going to dip.
Playing football is very simple, but playing simple football is the hardest thing there is -Cruyff
There's much development to be done. The team is still a ways from thinking and feeling it as simple.
Can't wait for Rico, Bernard, Sig, Gomes and Lookman to get their rhythm and collective intelligence going.
They certainly missing a CF/False 9, a central threat. A lot of their good stuff is coming to nought atm.