This is the thing though isn't it? I mean who wants to blow up pacifist countries like Belgium or Japan?
Mankind has been blowing the crap out of each other for as long we've been on this planet. Perhaps it's time we looked at alternatives?
In many ways this is a big reason why I dislike governments because by their very nature they have to generalise in a huge way. Wars aren't fought between nations are they, lets face it, they're fought between politicians, yet they're always classed as nation vs nation to whip up political support. It's crap.
Look at the situation at the moment. You'll get people saying all 300 million Americans are tossers because Bush is. You'll get suggestions that all Muslims are terrorists, all Poles are welfare sponges and so on. It's garbage but it happens because governments, and the media, generalise because society is worked around this so called democratic majority, hence they're thought to speak for us all, represent us all.
I'm inclined to think that until we get away from this mass generalisation that we'll forever have conflict because misunderstanding is at the heart of conflict.