WrongIn his defence it was light years away from what used to be brilliant. Only a couple of laughs, hope it improves. Would not want to remember him for that slightly desperate, uninspired effort.
You found a character who was genuinely funny and innovative in the 90s still doing the same stuff a great idea for a comedy show.
Sorry, but anyone honest with themselves and a Coogan fan (which I am, btw) will have cringed their way through that mess.
It wasn’t great. Everything seemed a tadge too forced. The whole tweet wall thing was just ‘wacky’ for the sake of ‘wacky.’
The writing was forced, not the performance which i get. Stuff like the seal having a speed ‘that a German U boat commander would be envious of’ ‘I heard you were separated’ those really understated, little bits are for me what Partridge is - this socially inept definition of middle class tedium. There was a lot that was wide of the mark for me.That was the point!
The writing was forced, not the performance which i get. Stuff like the seal having a speed ‘that a German U boat commander would be envious of’ ‘I heard you were separated’ those really understated, little bits are for me what Partridge is - this socially inept definition of middle class tedium. There was a lot that was wide of the mark for me.
As I sit on the bus into work i can reflect on it.
Of course I will watch again later. And again. And again!
But it was great. The evolution of not only the Partridge character, but also Lynn and Simon are evident again, and I can’t wait to see where they go now.
Of course you’ll get haters but that’s life. People have different tastes. It did start slow. So I wonder if people made their mind up and that was that.
Most fans wanted a return to the BBC which means some thing will feel familiar. This felt like a mix of KMKY and I’m AP. With elements of his other shows since. Perfection. But in a new way. It’s a new mellow Alan with glimpses of his old self.
They could have just rehashed everything. Same catchphrases, same locations. But they’ve taken a risk and people will need to take step back and understand it.
Not only that, the new characters were great too. The co-host was great. Her facial expressions were fantastic as she’s quite horrible.
It’s a story of a man trying to take his one last chance and all his closest allies trying to help him but it’s destined to fail.
Or is it?!
Bus [Poor language removed]
Agree ijjy, thought it was excellent. Some vintage quotes, a nice progression of the characters and a whole lot of delicious cringe.