I work in sports science, injuries are not really my area but i know a little bit and being an ex skateboarder i have had many a leg injury including one very serious ankle and leg fracture at the same time which resulted in my leg now being held together with multiple metal bars and pins. I would be really surprised if Gomes bent his ankle at 90 degrees and has no ligament damage, and tbh that is the serious/worrying bit. The fracture side of it should be ok depending on how it's reset, if it's with pins it will be slightly quicker than without, but that on it's own would be at least a few months as it's an ankle so you basically have to learn to walk again, let alone be a pro sports person. The key bit is how much damage has been done to ligaments and other soft tissue in the ankle/foot area. That can unfortunately take months and months to sort out, basically all the stuff you have down in your foot area is very strong as it has to support everything above it and if damaged it can take a long time to build it back up again, and i am not 100% convinced by our medical people tbh.