Player Valuation: £25m
Your right it's not much fun making yourself sick with worry over them.
Can't help it though.
Even if I currently hate nearly everything about the club.
Wish they were like nits your could wash the irritating bastards away down a plug hole and forget about them and get on with your life.
Disclaimer I havnt got nits. Had them last at school when I had a feather cut, but as your from bootle mate and a North ender like myself you know everyone at school had them one time or another.
Even the posh Southenders had them as well ,they just kept it quite incase the neighbours got onto it.
Well that and and there mam and sisters having crabs , as you know they are all dirt bags up that way like all posh ones are look at the tories?
Thinking about it we have a nit invasion at the head of are club at the moment.
Not sure if L16 is classed as south Liverpool to be honest so unsure if I'm offended yet.
Never had nits either and now I'm bald the little suckers stand no chance!
A glorious perk to having too much testosterone.