deconstructed rep
Whilst Germans today can never be blamed for what their grandfathers and great grandfathers did, as a country they should never be allowed to forget which it seems like they are trying to do.
This is completely wrong, Nik. Germany is full of remembrance for the war.
Germany isn't alone in being guilty in its history of crimes against humanity. Any other nation which perpetrated atrocities should never be allowed to forget. And fortunately most developed nations who committed terrible crimes against humanity in the past do try to make it right, and do allow objective historical analysis.
And getting into a debate about which crimes against humanity rank the worst is willy-waving of the wrong kind, I reckon...so let's not go there.
You ever visited our capital city? Most visitors who come here to learn a bit about the place go home wide-eyed at the astonishing recent history of it. It's one thing to read about it, but it's quite another to actually be here and feel it.
My flat overlooks where the old wall was. If the wall was still here, I could look over it (I'm right on the border on the old west side). About 500 meters away from me there is a WW2 bunker. The rest of the city has dozens, even hundreds, of known places which are tied with the history of the 20th century.
On the other hand, Berlin is but a city. Full of normal people going to work and making family. It's not mystic once you live and work here. So in that respect we don't stop to think every day about the war, we've got life stuff to do. But the remembrance is there and no one wishes to forget.