What if it's Blanco?
Ian Darke is ready to blow a gasket with all the ref baiting that the Argies are doing and is equally mad that the refs are letting them get away with it. He's about ready to go medieval on the refs.
Kicked off there at HT. Diego in the thick of it. There's gonna be some red cards second half.
For those of you Europeans who haven't seen Mexico as much as we have and are impressed with their pretty football THAT is exibit A why the US is every bit as good if not better than them. Their defense is just as bad as we are only Mexico combines a one-two punch of shoddy defense and crap goalkeeping.
I really like Ian Darke. I've never heard any commentators have a go at refs the way he does. It's awesome.
No, your not.
You both have weak defences, they pretty much better you in every other area. Mexico are comfortably developing better players, of that I have no doubts, that usually equals a better long term future. USA are the England of the Americas.
Ian Darke is ready to blow a gasket with all the ref baiting that the Argies are doing and is equally mad that the refs are letting them get away with it. He's about ready to go medieval on the refs.
No, your not.
You both have weak defences, they pretty much better you in every other area. Mexico are comfortably developing better players, of that I have no doubts, that usually equals a better long term future. USA are the England of the Americas.