I do think Moshiri is a very smart businessman. That's one of the reasons why I'm worried that he'll eventually stop spending money on us if moves like this don't work out. It's the gambler's fallacy. Don't throw good money after bad.
At 32 years old, I'm sure he'll be fine this year. Next year at 33, there's a chance he'll slow down. Once he hits 34, it's unreasonable to expect him to be at his best.
My main problem is that we can never recoup this money. We aren't Man City or Chelsea, our money is limited and we need to make sure we are using it wisely.
If this is the only veteran we bring in, I can deal with it. I just don't want this to be our focus going forward. We need to go after younger players (under 27 preferably) and only occasionally supplement them with vets to provide experience.