I read a lot more than I post here, but feel the need to vent a bit this morning.
Coleman, Best days are a distant memory (Sorry)
Scheids, I imagine he has a very, very limp handshake (Wet lettuce)
Gomes, We bought identical twins... the ‘Baller’ twin had the night off (again)
DCL, is Marco being ironic by giving him the No.9 shirt?
Walcott, makes the impossible possible... but in a bad way
Big Dunc... Legend, but maybe not a legend in striker coaching after all?
I know it’s only 3 games in, but I can’t see us progressing with 4 of the above 5 being on the park. We have some talented players in the squad, but we have no depth, no team spirit and we can’t score!
I think we have the makings of a decent defence, but we are going to keep getting exposed when we’re chasing goals all the time, especially with the loss of Gueye.
We might as well just drop DCL and start Kean, I don’t care if he’s only 19, he was one of the few players who actually looked arsed last night.... let him learn on the pitch (I’m pretty confident he’s not another Sandro!)