Very nice, forgot how good it was. Had a pint of Tetly's, which I haven't had in a long while, very nice. Also had a few of :
Apparently, a take on a 80/- (shilling) Scottish beer. Never heard of an 80 shilling beer, but it was lovely, if you like malty beer, which I do. Topped off with a whiskey chaser, double Black Bush for a little over 4 quid.
Got in a conversation with a group of fellas who would be the epitome of the Oldies thread. One of them came up with a great one liner : Liz Truss would be out of her depth in a bird bath. lol
Such a traditional pub in the best sense of the word.
Tetley’s cask is sublime, when we’ll kept, much like draught Bass.
Sadly, both seem to be a bit of a rarity now days.
The Roscoe really is a special pub, as is the licensee, who took on the Pub co and won.