As Chairman, he should be implementing the plans of the major shareholder, professionally delegating different aspects of the plan to the relevant directors and top line managers, setting the targets that have to be met and preferably exceeded, and continually demanding the absolute best from every single department, every single employee... in other words leading and directing the business forward with a continual goal to succeed and excel.
See our motto - NSNO.
Trouble is other than the stadium project, nobody has any real clue what the overall plan is, or even if there is an overall plan, from the majority shareholder.
So other than Brands whose role should be pretty well defined, and Sasha Ryazantsev who you would imagine is primarily tasked with securing the funding for BMD, the chairman and CEO are left to handle the running of the club on a day-to-day basis, and they don't seem to doing very much that makes any noticeable difference to the performance of the club.