I am on board with a nuanced debate on Kenwright. I have no issue with that and he did some things well. I would say he created a very clear and realistic ethos for the club which was a company philosophy that resonated to all aspects of the business. It's not all bad, but if you look at it overall, he's not got the skill base to be our chairman and relative to the sides above us, we are further behind those top sides than at any point in our history. The two statements above are linked. Trying to make out David Moyes over achieving covered that up not conducive to recognising the problems we face.
In all honesty fans are right to be annoyed at £400 million being wasted. However anger doesn't solve a lot. We do need to start asking why that has occurred. The one constant throughout this period has been Kenwright as chairman. My concern is that if we continue with him as chairman I have very little faith he can lead the business to success, as his position requires.
I would agree he may not be the main problem, but the book stops with him. I don't think he holds people to account adequately.
As for the Anfield game, I doubt you'd be happy with defeat, but there seems to be a lack of urgency all around to do anything to mitigate against this. If Silva is gone, clear him out and put Unsworth in charge. Or ascertain why your DOF has not found a replacement and completed the deal. Or if he doesn't feel he's able to do so, have the club put out a statement offering support to Silva. However to allow the situation to meander as it is, without having the basic decency to communicate with supporters is an insult to fans and shows how little he really thinks of us.
My longer term solution I have been fairly clear about. We need to go and get top quality people in key positions on the board. To me I'd go and get Terry Leahy and Brian Gilvary to have filled our Chairman and CEO births and would clear off DBB and Bill Kenwright. If you have people of that competency in clear roles I think you'd start to see change. In fairness that is more a critique of Farhad than it is Bill. He can't help the fact he's left in a role he can't perform.