Kenwright appointing someone to find a buyer to get rid of kenwright. Whichever way you view it, that was their end goal. With the best will in the world, no private company would allow an external group to advise them to bring in someone to sell their organisation. Especially not a group of footy fans.That proves you didn't actually look into them or hear what they were saying.
They wanted Kenwright to appoint a person who had the specific task of identifying a buyer for the club, someone like Martin Broughton, who would then negotiate the deal for Kenwright to sell his shares and allow the club to move on with new owners who'd been vetted by the aforementioned appointed person.
They also called for fan representation on the board because the communication with the fanbase was appalling. It was called the Fans' Parliament and was an idea a few other clubs were doing at the time (Wolves for one). Basically an elected group of people to represent the different corners of the fanbase (whom the club couldn't veto). Those elected serve for a fixed term before being replaced by another group that were also elected. The meetings between board members and elected would be chaired by a neutral person (a local journalist or politician). The minutes of these meetings should be then released publicly so neither side could be accused of lying or unprofessionalism.
Both ideas were completely dismissed by Kenwright and company.
They didn't want fan representation on the board though, did they? They wanted a "fans' parliament", that was completely unlinked to the club. It would basically be a coalition of supporters groups.