It's the oddest fan movement I've seen - and I've seen a lot. It gives the impression of being organic but to me it's a BS front for something or someone.
The dead give away for me is their refusal to demand that Moshiri goes. That suggests to me they dont want to alienate a man who others have to deal with. So they go for the soft target of Kenwright and DBB instead - two utter balloons with zero real power to affect anything.
As you say, this is unforgivable at a time like now when we face an existential threat. I will never forgive these people if we dont survive. In my mind they will be just as infamous as Kenwright and Moshiri.
Yeah Bill is just a Saint isn't he Dave and another one of you're" points" the fans are telling Moshiri to go, he is on quite a few of the banners, but the difference is Moshiri has to find a buyer first, Bill already has Moshiri.