Bill Kenwright

Got a horrible feeling we're gonna have another 12months of this filth, He'll end up getting the last season of Goodison out of some sign of respect, where he will eventually step down ( Instead of being moved on ) with a big send off on the last ever home game. ( probably the only one he attends too )

And now I've written this , you just know it's happening that way 😳🙄

Got a horrible feeling we're gonna have another 12months of this filth, He'll end up getting the last season of Goodison out of some sign of respect, where he will eventually step down ( Instead of being moved on ) with a big send off on the last ever home game. ( probably the only one he attends too )

And now I've written this , you just know it's happening that way 😳🙄
He should be past tense after the two seasons we have just had but yet he is still here.

So yes, what you say is sadly possible.
If Kenwright was guaranteed to leave but it meant a stand at the new ground was named after him, are you taking that deal?
K'in ell Mikey, even if you're being hypothetical, even the idea of that made me cringe because I genuinely think he'd believe he'd deserve one.

Moores, Catterick, Hickson, Stracqualursi, Southall, Ratcliffe... many names before this ameoba.
Telling yer, he’s going nowhere.

He’ll cling on like a cockroach after nuclear war.
Groucho, would your analogy mean it's okay to squash him under your boot?

He's not leaving unless he's forced out. He was never going to just walk away, he has always seen the club as his and he won't let anyone else have it. At the very least he'll be hoping to hang on for another year so he can cut that ribbon at the new place while acting like that's his legacy. The only way this scumbag leaves the club prior to that, is if the protest continue and this supposed takeover/investment happens with the new people wanting to start off right with the fans. Because Moshiri is a weakling and will never get rid of Kenwright himself. We're stuck with him unless we keep these protests going. If he's still here come July when the friendlies start then the protests must continue prior and post games, same for the start of the season. No more excuses. There can never be a "fresh start" while this cancer remains attached to the club.
