Bill Kenwright

Got a horrible feeling we're gonna have another 12months of this filth, He'll end up getting the last season of Goodison out of some sign of respect, where he will eventually step down ( Instead of being moved on ) with a big send off on the last ever home game. ( probably the only one he attends too )

And now I've written this , you just know it's happening that way 😳🙄
You better believe it. Hoping that he can risk the last game without getting lynched if he shows his fat owl face.

Just get rid of this creep ASAP Moshiri.

just flicking through the channels trying to get away from Citeh and dropped on Ch. 5 a biopic of Michael Crawford ..............and the main contributor is the Slug himself (n) Changed channels to Dogs Behaving Badly .

I doubt we've ever been further away from success in our 145 year history than we are today. If he does go this summer, this is his legacy. And he's extraordinarily lucky it's not worse.
Indeed, our longest drought was 14 years between 70 and 84. The cup final in 09 was 14 years from our last trophy. It could’ve ended there, but we’ve somehow doubled that to 28 years. 28 YEARS!!!

I can’t see us stopping that unwanted record before we hit 30. We’re at least 5 years away from even thinking we stand a chance at winning something.

World's biggest Evertonian, doncha know? Would sell to the first valid people, besides that lad in a bedsit...or long as he can keep his trainset too.

BMD needs to be named after him, he's done nothing (literally) but make sure he's around to watch us flourish!
