He won't go willingly. No chance. When he's finally given the flick he'll be in the papers telling King or Maddock, or one of his cronies, all his dirty little secrets about the club. He'd rather pop his ball than let anyone else have a kickabout with it, you watch. He's a nasty piece of work.
Tax issue, lads.
Bill kenwright,phillip green,robert earl. Our debts were never really that massive compared to other clubs. The banks got a whiff that green and earl werent going to pay them so called in the debt. But coz nobody in the boardroom would guarantee the loans that kenwright needed to keep the club in his control you started to see the selling off of every asset the club owned and when nothing was left the player sales started. Rooney was first. Pay the bank back some money. Borrow a bit more. A couple of seasons pass the same thing happens. The club was eating itself to survive while parasites where bleeding us at the same time. This was life under kenwright until moshiri. I think he payed the mortgages and money earl and green wanted. Kenwright now had the chance to keep his power and blow somebody elses money.Im sure ive missed loads of other stuff but the list of awful decisions that have cost the club made by kenwright is a long long one.How were Everton so heavily in debt at the turn of the century, yet many other clubs had smaller grounds and attendances yet I never heard of them struggling at the brink of bankruptcy?
I just accepted we were broke back then, but why? Wasn't that why the Premier League was founded?
Oh aye deffo. Not only is kenwright [Poor language removed] at his job he is also a ****.On talkshabite today Jim White was making out he was a Saint and evertonians were in the wrong to want him out, they couldn't understand why apparently, they let on Steve, an over emotional 70 year old who took offense to Simon Jordans tripe, only to shout him down and make him out to be a bit unhinged, the rest of the callers didn't fair any better the only one who they spoke to normally was a kopite! (Who to be fair was anti mosh)
No one said what the issue is with the fans and the board, for me it's simple. The board mismanaged the club into the situation were in now, and then tried to deflect attention onto the fans by accusing us of unfounded actions.
The media have a bee in their collective bonnets about Everton fans as it is, as evidenced by the pitch invasion narrative where they made out that our remarkably peaceful events were on the same level as the other ones where people were assaulted, along with us having the gall to refute the kopite agenda which infests every station, and reject the premises that go with that narrative. We see thru the thinly veiled veneers and call them on their bullshit.
The media, now infested with die hard reds, hate this fact , and the board played into that and tried to throw their own fanbase under the proverbial bus.
That's the problem, you can excuse ineptitude at any level, you can't excuse that behaviour.
Thats one of my favorite films and you just ruined it for me lol clever though