The winter light in England is not quite so pure especially for wildlife. So some of these were harder to get than some, and I can't wait to get some light for birds in the summer months over here.
There are a couple of candid street photography shots,
"Cooking" and
"Wraps and Fags - No Thanks!"
One is of a
busker, setting up for the day (note his can of Cider!) and a single exposure (no HDR) inside an arcade (
Millers Arcade in Preston) with a couple of chaps have a sit down/rest.
Then the wildlife ones are of cormorants which were 250 yards from the bird hide, hand held with a 1.4x extender on the Bigma (so that's 1120mm) - a blue tit in the tree tops at the sunniest part of the day this morning, both taken at a nature reserve in Preston.
Then the last two at the River Brock on the outskirts of the city - the area is known as Brock Bottoms (it's in a valley) - the first a
Great Tit waiting it's turn at the feeding station for the Nuthatch to finish, followed by a long exposure image of a feeder
stream that leads to the river, and then my shot of the day, a
Dipper, a bird I have only ever seen at Brock, but this was taken at all the wrong settings, as I was in dull woodlands, with the camera set at widest aperture (f/6.3) but at ISO 100 and at just 1/30sec HAND HELD!!! The dipper was some distance away, and is only around 7 inches in size, so I am quite pleased with the result. Wait until summer...