Boss photos you've taken

Bad news those turtles.
t Her
Eat everything on the lake, fish, eggs, chicks, even adult birds, with nothing preying on them.

Very hard to get rid off too.
There are plenty at Carr mill. They have been there for years and don't appear to cause much problem. They always seem to hang out by the Herons which seem to tolerate them. I was surprised to see the cormorant as I visit that particular lake regularly and there is always the water birds that you would expect e.g. Swans, Geese, Ducks, Waterhens, Coots etc, but that's the first time I've seen a Cormorant there. It was a lone bird and was probably just passing over but fancied stopping for a freshwater fish snack lol

I am delighted to say I have tonight counted 8 (eight!) different Steatoda bipunctata on the fence panels tonight - I assume all from the same parent & her clutch of eggs which I found earlier this year.

Here too are a couple of rather wet subjects - the night time dew and rain on them is cool...








She was amongst the stones if the rockery. Nature finds her own way and I'm sure by now she will have tucked her little toes into a snug niche in the stone. :)

Pic or your are lying ;) xx

I’m sure you are right and she has found a nice place to tuck away for the winter. Nature is much wiser than us.

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