Nice one. How close were you?
End of lens to the fly, about 4 or 5 inches max.
Nice one. How close were you?
Look for macro extension tubes for Nikon on amazon mate, Polaroid do some good ones. They're a good way to start practicing macro without splurging four hundred notes on marco lens. Obviously I want the macro lens too but only when I'm good at this macro business.
End of lens to the fly, about 4 or 5 inches max.
hmm. have been messing around with close ups, but cant upload them. file is 2mb. think limit is 1mb. any clues ?
If you're low on moolah, try a reversing ring...
ok here goes again...
hmm can't imbed. Will try again in a bit
ok here goes again...
hmm can't imbed. Will try again in a bit
Well in lid. Nice that.