They call me Avocado Baby
This one reminds me of the cover art to The Week Never Starts Round Here by Arab Strap.
Quite a lot.
That is very alike! I like the little boat
This one reminds me of the cover art to The Week Never Starts Round Here by Arab Strap.
Quite a lot.
Good stuff Aliosis...particularly liked the 4th, looks like a boss walk. Bryan, you're a bad mongo for putting filters least show us the originals too.
Your crest is chuffing great by the way dude. Please email it to Everton immediately
nice pics them paul.Here is a muscid fly (no, not a blow fly, lol) on a leaf of the laurel in the garden this afternoon, and a series of three shots in a triptych showing the passage of time from no bubble, to blown bubble...
Copyright: Paul Iddon - A View of the UK