Allan Wells?The Flying Scotsman is currently stationary at the end of my road !
Sounds incredible !
Allan Wells?The Flying Scotsman is currently stationary at the end of my road !
Sounds incredible !
Katie Price looks like she’s crashed her car after a drink and is in hospital.
Whilst still banned from driving as well.
Have to say this earthquake felt a lot bigger than a 3.7
Hope Alcatraz is alright, still on my bucket list of places to visit.
I want to do the Sean Connery route in.
Have to say this earthquake felt a lot bigger than a 3.7
It is an interesting place to visit, the wild seeded gardens make a nice contrast to the darkness of some of the manmade bits.
If you happen to do a more conventional route than Sean Connery highly recommend prebooking your trip before your visit if you are in high season as they can fill up quickly! Palace of Fine Arts worth adding to the list too
Have to admit I didn’t think much to Niagra Falls but I was dealing with a horrendous hangover at the time so I might have been a tad biased! On the plus side Niagra didn’t seem to have any ghosts, on viagra or otherwiseLooks sound that, LL, thanks for the heads up.
I've been all over the east coast of the US, Staten Island and Niagra Falls being the highlights, oh and my sister hitting a stout local with a golf ball ricochet off a rock in Cape Cod when we were kids, great craic.
My mate rode Route 66 on a Harley from Vegas through Tombstone etc and ended up stumbling into a ghost hunting tour and still to this day swears blind he got jerked off by the ghost of a "soiled dove" as the girl leading the tour described her. He's not one prone to lying however he is prone to getting absolutely off his face so I'll leave that one cemented into the "suuuure" catagory.
Yeah, want to do Route 66 as well.
Have to admit I didn’t think much to Niagra Falls but I was dealing with a horrendous hangover at the time so I might have been a tad biased! On the plus side Niagra didn’t seem to have any ghosts, on viagra or otherwise
Not sure how large your bucket list is but for a driving tour its hard to beat the National Parks of Utah especially if you time it for when the leaves are turning
Utah's 5 National Parks Archives
Utah's national parks, called the Mighty Five, are woven in a straight shot across southern Utah within a few hours drive of each
It is, all of them are wonderful tbh and Utah’s even more draconian drinking laws will encourage you to enjoy them sober if you ever do visit there!Haha, I loved Niagra Falls, I was about 15 when I was there so was just reaching my British drinking prime but America's archaic drinking rules forced me to enjoy it sober, quite glad I did. They have a Ripley's believe it or not museum on the Canadian side which is both brilliant and bizarre in equal measure.
Cheers for that link, Arches NP looks incredible!
It is, all of them are wonderful tbh and Utah’s even more draconian drinking laws will encourage you to enjoy them sober if you ever do visit there!
I think they have relaxed them in the past couple of years but they certainly used to have some interesting laws!I'm mid-30's now LL, I'd be a bit miffed if they wouldn't let me drink.
I'd throw a plastic chair onto one of the arches with pure British patriotism out of protest.
I think they have relaxed them in the past couple of years but they certainly used to have some interesting laws!
Deciphering Utah's insanely strict and very weird liquor laws
We dig into Utah's unique liquor laws and break down what they all actually
Any beer over 4% ABV is considered liquor
It's actually a partition restaurants are required to put up so impressionable youths can't see the bartenders mixing or pouring drinks. A lot of them are made of frosted glass like the one above
They also break out the measuring spoon for your cocktails
lol Perhaps the California Coast Highway might suit you a little better - still lots of great views and some fine food and drink to relax with on the overnight stops including some excellent wineries!Holy Trump's blonde testicles! That's outrageous!