Was a while back:
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Probably some lame inside joke that only a bunch of nerdy theoretical physicists would find funny, but hey-ho, here it is...
On the sauce?So, there I was, at me Chinese University, getting me Chinese students to generate a WordCloud, the subject being 'Favourite English Book'. One of the responses...Tom Soya.
So, there I was, at me Chinese University, getting me Chinese students to generate a WordCloud, the subject being 'Favourite English Book'. One of the responses...Tom Soya.
Wan Foo over the Cuckoo’s Nest?I preferred The Adventures of Huckleberry Dim.
Wan Foo over the Cuckoo’s Nest?
Never thought of that, but by today’s standards, yes, I guess so.Made me laugh, but possibly r****t.
I mean also by 'yesterday's' standards to be honest lolNever thought of that, but by today’s standards, yes, I guess so.
Ah yeah racial stereotyping in comedy is a thing and it still is, and it's proven to be a not very good thing.
Comedy is comedy but one man’s food etc. I was illustrating what “yesterday’s standard” was and how my play on words would not ( perhaps should have) raised any eyebrows.Ah yeah racial stereotyping in comedy is a thing and it still is, and it's proven to be a not very good thing.
Same as Brits having the image they do outside of the UK and all that.
Comedy is comedy though.
NOT SUITABLY ENOUGH, BAN!!!!!!!!!!1Comedy is comedy but one man’s food etc. I was illustrating what “yesterday’s standard” was and how my play on words would not ( perhaps should have) raised any eyebrows.
Today’s standards are rightly different but rooted in 70’s/80’s comedy as I am I thought nothing of it.
I am suitably chastised.
This you ?Comedy is comedy but one man’s food etc. I was illustrating what “yesterday’s standard” was and how my play on words would not ( perhaps should have) raised any eyebrows.
Today’s standards are rightly different but rooted in 70’s/80’s comedy as I am I thought nothing of it.
I am suitably chastised.