2020/21 Carlo Ancelotti

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Joking aside the robbery to his home would have been traumatising.

Coming from Ireland two things shocked me when I went to university in Liverpool. 1.Concrete, everywhere. Being so used to greenery I couldn’t get my head around the lack of grass (of course this is natural for a city). 2.Crime. Never witnessed petty crime before. Homes here largely unlocked, while in shops the security is minimal. In stark contrast crime in Liverpool was everywhere, and first seeing bars on ground floor windows was especially shocking (reminded me of Marty McFly in Back to the Future II coming back to an alternate crime riddled Hill Valley with bars in his old home). Grocery stores had a perspex screen covering the food so you felt like you were in a bank...biscuits put through a slot was surreal. Witnessed a lad no more than 12 taunting a cop (bizzy) by smashing a phone box while the cop stood no more than 30 yards from him. Saw a couple of police chases in the middle of town. Our student digs got burgled, and on one occasion we suspected someone was outside and we went out to investigate while carrying machetes (flat mate owned quite a few). It was a shock to the system all this. I wonder how much his own experience played in Carlos decision.
I always enjoy my trips to Liverpool. Of the major cities i've been to, i find Liverpool to be the safest and most friendliest of them all. So i doubt the robbery was a factor. Nowhere is crime free and the Ireland you grew up in, sure is different to the Ireland i grew up in! Cork Dublin Limerick Galway, and even big towns like Clonmel and Tralee etc, have their share of crime and dodgy areas. I guess you must have grown up in the middle of nowhere!
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Chill mate, i was actually agreeing with you. The club stinks of mediocrity all the way through. No semblance of a plan at all. One year its build for the future, the next year its buy ready made players, no sense of identity on the pitch and playing style. We are a rudderless ship on the pitch. Its weird though as the community side is run brilliantly and you would be hard pressed to find another club with their work away from the ground who are as good as us, yet

no worries bud, better to vent on here than to your missus. Mines already fed up with me and we aint even 24 hours in yet......its going to be a long pre-season
Apologies for last night mate, I'd been out with the lads & was pissed up!! & pissed off over the Ancelotti news
... Sorry if I came across aggressive mate!... & reading back on the crap I posted today... Thank you for your patience & understanding with a pissed up me!!
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"Every club has different goals. Real Madrid's goal is to win the Champions League and La Liga. Everton's goal is to try to get a European spot, and a few years ago it was to stay in the Premier League," he said.

Weve already seen how his (and his sons) comments about 'long term' and 'family club' were supported by his book...

Hes already gone against those by jumping ship...

Lost all respect for him.

This the bit where your ex tells people you were a crap shag?

Thought so
She’s gone telling everyone she walked in on him pulling one off to countryfile. But he really wasn’t. He was watching pornhub on his phone and threw it on the floor when she walked in, but didn’t have time to pull his pants up and countryfile just happened to be on the TV at the same time.

God I hate that woman.

People have clearly never been jilted by a partner to get this upset over it.

It's not you, it's me...And the fact you have crap players that can't massage my ego by winning things within a year.
The fact that he felt compelled to talk up his performance at Everton in his first PC after being at his new club for all of about 10 minutes speaks volumes. Deep down he thinks he did cack and after being 2nd on boxing day with opportunities aplenty to playing some of the poorest football seen at the club in decades, getting beat by every team below us and then trounced 5 - 0 the last game of the season and ending up 10th and then walking i am inclined to agree with you Carlo. You did indeed end up doing crap and have very little honour or respect. Glad you walked and hope we find someone who is actually honest and genuinly interested in the club.

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