Computer games.

July PS+ offering disappoints me greatly.
NBA whatevs - No desire to play the sim of a sport with no defense, played by mutants.
Tomb Raider - Beautiful game, sadly already played it to death.
Erica - got excited for a bonus game then found out it's a walking sim. If I want to watch a movie, I'll watch a movie. kthxbye

As 10th anniversary offerings they are a weak combination.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 would have been in my top 3 games of all time if they didn’t have them SJW themes in them. Ruined it for me.
July PS+ offering disappoints me greatly.
NBA whatevs - No desire to play the sim of a sport with no defense, played by mutants.
Tomb Raider - Beautiful game, sadly already played it to death.
Erica - got excited for a bonus game then found out it's a walking sim. If I want to watch a movie, I'll watch a movie. kthxbye

As 10th anniversary offerings they are a weak combination.

Walking sim? You’re right about the movie part it’s just an interactive movie. It’s a sim or a game of any type.


Because people like hanging out with their wang out.....

Rock out with your.......

You get the idea.....


Why are people thinking the WLF are the good guys?. Their leader, Isaac, was torturing a scar the first time we meet him. In fact, fleshing out Isaac and the leader of the Scars (who we never meet) would have been an infinitely better use of the 15 hours I spent in boring combat. And did Joel "deserve" what he got?. Maybe. But remember he didn't kill the doctor out of some sort of revenge, he did it to save Ellies life. Abbys and Ellies journeys were straight up revenge so in fact out of all the characters Joels actions were the purest. Its just a mess imo. Tommy coming back to get Ellie after Abby again was completely out of character for him. And thats probably my main criticism of the game, the characters have complete personality changes over the space of both games and some in the space of a few months in game. Doesn't ring true to me.

Why are people thinking the WLF are the good guys?. Their leader, Isaac, was torturing a scar the first time we meet him. In fact, fleshing out Isaac and the leader of the Scars (who we never meet) would have been an infinitely better use of the 15 hours I spent in boring combat. And did Joel "deserve" what he got?. Maybe. But remember he didn't kill the doctor out of some sort of revenge, he did it to save Ellies life. Abbys and Ellies journeys were straight up revenge so in fact out of all the characters Joels actions were the purest. Its just a mess imo. Tommy coming back to get Ellie after Abby again was completely out of character for him. And thats probably my main criticism of the game, the characters have complete personality changes over the space of both games and some in the space of a few months in game. Doesn't ring true to me.

I'm not saying the WLF were good guys, just that Abby's actions and motivations are no different to Ellie's. I don't think there are really any "good guys" necessarily in this world. Just people doing whatever it takes to survive. The Jackson settlement seems the most friendly but this could be because they have no local competition. WLF and Scars are fighting over Seattle so they are likely to be more aggressive.

I agree that Isaac is a grade A bell. The fact that he is willing to kill Abby so quickly (and Owen) shows him to be akin to a complete dictator who will finish anyone who steps out of line. As for the Scars they don't seem to have a single leader following the death of the founder, just a number of Elders carrying on her teaching.

I agree that Joel's actions in TLOU were completely understandable and that they were the purest. He was acting to save someone that he loved rather than get back at someone that has wronged him at the expense of everything else. But it's also probably the most selfish act of all. There was potential for a vaccine which could have led to things returning to some sort of normal for everyone and he quashed that. I think it makes perfect sense that Abby would think he deserves what he got.

As for Tommy I don't think it is out of character at all. He was the one that initially set out to avenge his brother. In doing so he gets shot in the leg and the back of the head which have clearly left him disabled to some extent. All of this due to the same person. I think it makes total sense he would go to Ellie as the only person capable/willing to finish off the job.
I'm not saying the WLF were good guys, just that Abby's actions and motivations are no different to Ellie's. I don't think there are really any "good guys" necessarily in this world. Just people doing whatever it takes to survive. The Jackson settlement seems the most friendly but this could be because they have no local competition. WLF and Scars are fighting over Seattle so they are likely to be more aggressive.

I agree that Isaac is a grade A bell. The fact that he is willing to kill Abby so quickly (and Owen) shows him to be akin to a complete dictator who will finish anyone who steps out of line. As for the Scars they don't seem to have a single leader following the death of the founder, just a number of Elders carrying on her teaching.

I agree that Joel's actions in TLOU were completely understandable and that they were the purest. He was acting to save someone that he loved rather than get back at someone that has wronged him at the expense of everything else. But it's also probably the most selfish act of all. There was potential for a vaccine which could have led to things returning to some sort of normal for everyone and he quashed that. I think it makes perfect sense that Abby would think he deserves what he got.

As for Tommy I don't think it is out of character at all. He was the one that initially set out to avenge his brother. In doing so he gets shot in the leg and the back of the head which have clearly left him disabled to some extent. All of this due to the same person. I think it makes total sense he would go to Ellie as the only person capable/willing to finish off the job.

Maybe I mis-remember but Tommy didn't want or intend to go after Abby. Ellie was going ape at Tommy for that reason and he only ended up going to keep Ellie out of danger and hoped to have killed Abby by the time Ellie could get to Seattle, hence the need for a head start. For him to do that and then actively demand Ellie go after Abby again is out of character imo.
Maybe I mis-remember but Tommy didn't want or intend to go after Abby. Ellie was going ape at Tommy for that reason and he only ended up going to keep Ellie out of danger and hoped to have killed Abby by the time Ellie could get to Seattle, hence the need for a head start. For him to do that and then actively demand Ellie go after Abby again is out of character imo.
Maybe you're right on that. I took it as him wanting to go but knowing that she would insist on going with him. So he was stalling her. I've just watched those 2 cutscenes back though and think you might be right. He obviously wants to go but wants to do it sensibly if possible. She sort of forces his hand and so he goes first to try and save her.
Maybe you're right on that. I took it as him wanting to go but knowing that she would insist on going with him. So he was stalling her. I've just watched those 2 cutscenes back though and think you might be right. He obviously wants to go but wants to do it sensibly if possible. She sort of forces his hand and so he goes first to try and save her.

I'm a little biased as Tommy was one of my favorite characters from the series. He always came across as a reasonable decent guy, even telling Joel that all the things they did to survive in TLOU1 "wasn't worth it" and that's why he and Joel became estranged. Then he becomes some sort of revenge obsessed Golem at the end of 2 just ticked me off I guess.

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