That’s good to know. I’m grateful for all the advice here, I know next to nothing but I’m enjoying learning a bit here and there, and slowly understanding it. This is exactly the info I need as I don’t want to give myself compatibility issues later down the line. I’d like to think I could get a good PC and spend £300 ish every 3 years upgrading a part. Maybe it’s more than that but that’s the idea. Most people seem to rate AMD over Intel chips but besides raw speed (which shows many Intel chips as on par) it’s difficult for me to understand why without someone simplifying it. Plus I’d rather spend an extra £100 now if it’ll save me £200-300 later on.
I thought this, but I used to be a bit of a tech nerd when I was younger and I can feel it coming back a bit. I’d consider building my own PC if the part prices made it viable. With the prices at the moment though it makes no sense.