I adored Spiderman but to me it will always be 'the Covid game' - Remember playing it around the time I started working from home and ended up platinuming it
Do like a good JRPG.
Never played any of this series but this one looks smart. Out on 15th April
It's a wonderful game. It's quite a calming experience just swinging your way through New York even when you aren't on a mission or a side quest. Guessing you've also played Miles Morales?I never played it on PS4 (had an Xbox last gen) so played it for the first time on PS5 on the Remastered version.
The most fun I’ve had on a game for years.
Yeah. Awesome if a bit short. Would have bothered me more if I’d bought it on its own, but got the ultimate edition, so got full length Spidey Remastered with itIt's a wonderful game. It's quite a calming experience just swinging your way through New York even when you aren't on a mission or a side quest. Guessing you've also played Miles Morales?
Loved that back in the NES daysBought Micro machines for 99p and I'm glad that is all I paid. Used to love this game and generally enjoy karting games.
If they somehow manage to pull this game off... wow.
I’m really intrigued by the whole early access set up. It has made developing games a bit more accessible to creative minds. Sure, there’s plenty of duds, but games such as SCUM look great and it’s still only at 0.6. I feel like the creativity in PC gaming is the best it’s ever been right now. It’s refreshing as I fell out of love with gaming completely a few years ago. I’m as keen as ever now.
Nice one, I can definitely see myself having at iRacing go at some point!
DayZ is a good example of why good PC indie games often don’t come to console. It struggles to get 30fps even on PS4 Pro and lags worse than anything I’ve ever played. The rendering is laughable at times. Even the dumbed down console version is ahead of most PS games though.
Then there’s the controls. A lot of games translate badly from mouse and keyboard to controller. I like games like Theme Hospital etc. but they’re horrible with a controller. I bought Prison Architect for PS4 recently. I loved the idea of it but I played it for an hour and never played it again due to the controls. It wasn’t enjoyable.
Really? With Square being behind it I thought they would be pretty good. This one looks pretty good like. Will hold off for reviews from trusted sources before getting it, mindI never played a saga game I liked. They are always grindfests w/ meh stories.