Computer games.

Is fm14 worth getting? Feel like getting addicted to it over the summer. Does it have it's own thread?

Think so, but Search wasn't working when I tried. I'm torn every year between getting the new one or not. Always say I'm gonna skip a year, then succumb to the sales. But this year I might actually do it. Only in my second season on my 2013 game, and I've got loads of other games that I've had for ages to play some/more off: EU4, Banished, Civ V, Tropico 4 and so on....

16/7/14 Lucian - LOSS, from last night.

You've seen my other games ending in tears lol

Mate I've gone positive KDA in a crazy number of games recently, with mixed results

Got my champion pool pretty much set now (except for counters of course)

Top - Nasus,Darius, Singed, Riven, Mundo
Mid - Kayle, Veigar, Zed,
Jungle - Udyr, Khazix
ADC - twitch, Lucian
Support - Thresh, blitz

Mains in bold. 8/3/9 KDA average for udyr across 60 odd games ffs
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Mate I've gone positive KDA in a crazy number of games recently, with mixed results

Got my champion pool pretty much set now (except for counters of course)

Top - Nasus,Darius, Singed, Riven, Mundo
Mid - Kayle, Veigar, Zed,
Jungle - Udyr, Khazix
ADC - twitch, Lucian
Support - Thresh, blitz

Mains in bold. 8/3/9 KDA average for udyr across 60 odd games ffs
Mine's also quite good, considering I mainly played support or tanky jungles for most of my games. Back to maining adc now though, seeing as a few of my mates play support as well, and I used to do that in previous seasons anyway.

My choices would be, in order of preference:
Top - Lee Sin, Jayce, Renekton, Olaf
Mid - Zed, Malzahar, Orianna, Situational
Jungle - Lee Sin, Maokai, Situational
ADC - Lucian right now, favourite is Ezreal, pick is very situational and can go literally any adc
Support - Thresh, Zyra, Morgana, Leona

My pool is really crap for top, but I despise playing top, so I don't really mind playing any of my jungles top and just get tanky really.

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