Computer games.

Sorry mate, just detest modern gaming in general - for every good game like Bloodbourne there's a few hundred terrible ones DLC'd to the eyeballs - usually made by EA, but pretty much every AAA studio is at fault - AC: Unity was grim, Evolve was atrocious, and so on.

EA's recent track record is mediocre at best - Sim City, Sims 4, Battlefield: Hardline, Titanfall. Hope it proves me wrong as I'd love a fantastic Star Wars game, but I'm expecting, at the very best, an average bare bones game tailored to DLC.

You're not wrong at all of course. It's utterly grim and like you cannot stand DLC and all that crap.

Having said that, it's just the way it is. Nothing we can do to stop it as people will pay for all the extras so why would they stop?

I for one am really looking forward to that Star Wars game. It's Star Wars FFS.
You're not wrong at all of course. It's utterly grim and like you cannot stand DLC and all that crap.

Having said that, it's just the way it is. Nothing we can do to stop it as people will pay for all the extras so why would they stop?

I for one am really looking forward to that Star Wars game. It's Star Wars FFS.

Battlefront 1 and 2 were ace on PS2. The PSP ones were a bit pants.

Stuff like that has been in games for a while though

In every WWE game for the past 5 years or so, you could download the Season Pass and unlock everything on Day 1

And that's precisely what people are completely sick of, and the biggest risk of a massive gaming crash right now.

I mean, did you see Evolve? They put one mode of gameplay in it basically and DLC'd it to the rafters - and charged £50 for the base game!

With Mortal Kombat X, it continues the practice of it not even being DLC - it's day one disc-based locked content. Which means although you've bought the game with those assets on it, you can't access them without giving the devs more money. That is a horrid practice that needs to stop. By all means, make DLC - make meaningful, excellent expansions or standalones. I can even cope with cosmetic DLC made by the devs after production has finished to sell on at a later date if people choose to do it. But don't take core gameplay features out and sell them piecemeal out of pure greed. If it's on the disc or in the installation files, it should be accessible to the consumer immediately for no further cost, as you've paid for that game.

Goro behind a paywall FFS.
Also, pre-order bonuses need to do one as well. Why the hell should I "pre-order" anything, when I have absolutely no idea of the quality of the final product? You could have offered me £50 of "free" pre-order DLC for Aliens: Colonial Marines - it all wouldn't have mattered as the game was utter tosh. Rome: Total War II did the same thing with Sparta IIRC - that game was a broken mess too.

Instead of trying to milk gamers for everything with little effort, make a damn good game, then DLC it after it's released to an audience that actually wants more. The gaming industry is the only entity that gets away with this crap - any other market would have told them to do one.

@Tubey - is it more the problem that people actually do pay for those extras? And that's why companies still do them.

If people continue to stump up the money why would the companies stop as its a really easy win for them and their profits.

Maybe people should stop buying them?

I dunno. Just another way of looking at it maybe.
@Tubey - is it more the problem that people actually do pay for those extras? And that's why companies still do them.

If people continue to stump up the money why would the companies stop as its a really easy win for them and their profits.

Maybe people should stop buying them?

I dunno. Just another way of looking at it maybe.

That's what going to happen - when the quality of the buying experience evaporates, people will walk away. It's happening slowly now - feels to me like we're balancing on the precipice and about to tumble. It happened to Atari, and it'll damn sure happen to EA.

The problem isn't that people are buying them in great numbers - it's that AAA companies are stretching their budgets to make "impressive" games, and passing the costs on to the public stealthily by not increasing the base price of the game (£50 has been the max since the 90s, despite inflation, and is what people "expect" to pay for a new game), but by selling superfluous extras and increasingly shoving them in consumer faces as "must haves".

For example, Assassins Creed: Unity had absolutely no business having microtransactions, but it did.

What should be happening is that AAA companies lower their budgets and make games within their means, and charge £50 for it and turn a profit. Instead, they're going higher and higher. It's an archetypal recipe for a boom and bust crash.
To expand on the above, look at the reaction to Mortal Kombat - the consumer response hasn't largely been "well, the DLC is worth it I guess, I'll go all in"; it's been "well, I'll just wait for the Komplete edition in about six months for about half the price."

This is happening more and more. The game market is saturated - indie titles are getting better (and cheaper), people have massive back catalogues of games (I think I have 100+ at last count) and people are just saying no to new games that represent a price risk.

What will happen eventually is that people will stop spending £50 on games full stop for a few reasons. First, they know they'll get it cheaper later (Evolve dropped in price by half inside three weeks, for example). Second, GOTY editions generally feature all the DLC, so even more of a saving. Third, game quality and innovation overall is, in my opinion, at an all time low, and new IPs struggle massively to make an impact unless they're very good (look at Watch_Dogs - a new IP, people bought into it, and got their fingers burnt. Look at Evolve, Titanfall, and so on - all AAA, all underwhelming).

When that happens, consumers don't buy at release, the companies profit margins slump, they haven't got the awareness to do anything but the status quo, and companies all over the place go quietly under.

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