Q, of QAnon fame, is back after an 18-month break. The (frankly quite small) Qfandom is going bananas.
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What does it all mean? Other than gloating in the wake of the SCOTUS Roe-vs-Wade decision, probably not very much.
Some of the Qfandoms are speculating the identity of Q may be Dan Scavino, Trump's former
Director of Social Media. Which is a bit of a come-down from the time-travelling multi-quantum Ai they initially theorised.
For the hardcore QAnon-experience, I recommend trying to understand their '
Q-proofs': these are apparent proofs (i.e. evidence) that Q's posts mean something profound in the real world. Foreseeing future events, being privy to top-secret info before anyone else...that kind of thing. Often the proofs are demonstrated by lots of
reaching red-lines connecting different social media posts and their time-stamps.
The main conspiracy theory of this movement is that Q is part of a
good-guys movement attempting to bring down a powerful worldwide cabal of
bad-guys, some of whom may engage in child-slavery. Which is actually quite worthy, and not that far-fetched considering some of the real-world busts that occur (
Epstein didn't kill himself, etc). And to be fair to them they denounce violence & racism, which sets them apart from the typical far-right american scene.
Seems like mostly-harmless online role-playing, what say yous?
Whatever you think of the Q-lot, they're having a real moment now.