Conspiracy theories

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Youth Blood Harvesting: Another ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Vindicated as Fact​

No longer “conspiracy theory,” youth blood-sucking is official “fact” because the gatekeeping corporate media now acknowledges it.

Via The Telegraph:


“As macabre as it sounds, science is beginning to discover that ‘youth transplants’ really can slow down the ageing process.
The fountain of youth, it seems, is youth itself.”
“Youth transplants” is a euphemism for sucking out the vital fluids of baby/child “donors” and injecting them into aging recipients:

“Although nobody is suggesting we siphon the bodily fluids of youngsters into our elderly… infusing cerebrospinal fluid of young mice into old mice improves brain function, a breakthrough.”
So, “nobody is suggesting” medically extracting cerebrospinal fluid from babies/children and injecting it into old (presumably well-paying) clients… except that’s precisely what they’re studying the feasibility of doing.
Biomedical entrepreneurs, in fact, are already cashing in:

“In 2019, a US start-up called Ambrosia that was offering teenage blood plasma to Silicon Valley billionaires for $8,000 a litre was forced to shut down…”
Where do you suppose that “teenage blood plasma” was sourced from? The wealthy children of DC elites, or some poor farmer’s daughter in a Guatemalan village, or the Compton streets, or some Appalachian township?

The FDA issued a warning against Ambrosia‘s services on safety grounds, but the founder re-opened after briefly shutting down, he said, with the simple justification that “our patients really want the treatment.”
Of course, this research is nothing new under the sun; it’s been quietly budding into a lucrative industry for years.

Silicon Valley’s Alkahest and other biomedical startups conduct similar research.


As one might expect, Bill Gates’ interest in the nascent industry has also been piqued.

Gates, the quintessential robber baron monopoly man in a non-threatening Mr. Rogers getup, loves nothing more than cornering the market on a valuable new biomedical commodity.

Why is corporate media mainstreaming anti-aging blood transfusions now?​

Previously, news of the elite-funded research into blood transfusions as the Fountain of Youth was relegated to the easily-dismissed fringes of journalism. “Respectable” outlets, in their own estimations, wouldn’t touch it.

Now the genie is out of the bottle. Corporate media like the Telegraph have made the editorial decision that it makes sense to mainstream the ideas that were once, although not altogether hidden, definitely outside of the purview of the public consciousness.

Exposing such research to public inquiry and debate before the time was right might have raised serious ethical pushback and threatened its development.

Remember back in the George W Bush days when stem cells were an issue of ethical contention? Look how far the contested ground has shifted.

This is called “moving the Overton Window” – shifting the bounds of consensus-driven ethical restraints slowly yet steadily. In this way, the biomedical corporate state avoids the pitfall of stirring enough popular unrest to derail their pet projects. Rather, it introduces these concepts on a controlled timeline.

The Telegraph piece gives away this rhetorical game in the last paragraph:

“It may only be a few years before ‘youth transplants’ move finally from the pages of gothic horror novels into the clinic. Whether patients will feel squeamish about such vampire procedures remains to be seen.”

Now that hiding this type of research from public inquiry won’t be logistically feasible much longer as it’s adopted at larger scale, the job becomes to normalize it.

The same corporate media now reporting on the blood harvesting phenomenon has long painted it as “conspiracy theory.”
The bottom-line takeaway here is that “conspiracy theorists,” once again — as was the case with lab-engineered coronaviruses to instantiate a global biomedical technocracy – weren’t wrong; they were ahead of their time.

First the corporate media ignores reporting inconvenient stories they’re not ready to introduce to the public, then they outright deny them and label journalists who discuss them “conspiracy theorists.”

Then, when they can’t deny anymore, they obfuscate to conceal the true agenda by positing other, purer, philanthropic motives.

In this case, the philanthropic motive offered to justify blood harvesting of the global poor for elite benefit is preventing chronic diseases like Parkinson’s:

“In the future, I hope we’ll find more ways to harness substances in our blood to reduce inflammation and promote healing… [it] could eventually allow us to do a better job of attacking the proteins that have been implicated in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other neurodegenerative diseases.”
Bill Gates Notes
That promise might prove true – for them. If the elite get their way, you’re never going to benefit from such research. You’ll always belong to the donor class, the experimented-upon – never the beneficiary.
Transhumanism is an infinitesimally tiny proportion of the population transcending its humanity by merging with tech while experimenting on the useless eaters and, when they’re done, exterminating the remainder. It is the future the likes of World Economic Forum envision.


Youth Blood Harvesting: Another ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Vindicated as Fact​

No longer “conspiracy theory,” youth blood-sucking is official “fact” because the gatekeeping corporate media now acknowledges it.

Via The Telegraph:


“Youth transplants” is a euphemism for sucking out the vital fluids of baby/child “donors” and injecting them into aging recipients:

So, “nobody is suggesting” medically extracting cerebrospinal fluid from babies/children and injecting it into old (presumably well-paying) clients… except that’s precisely what they’re studying the feasibility of doing.
Biomedical entrepreneurs, in fact, are already cashing in:

Where do you suppose that “teenage blood plasma” was sourced from? The wealthy children of DC elites, or some poor farmer’s daughter in a Guatemalan village, or the Compton streets, or some Appalachian township?

The FDA issued a warning against Ambrosia‘s services on safety grounds, but the founder re-opened after briefly shutting down, he said, with the simple justification that “our patients really want the treatment.”
Of course, this research is nothing new under the sun; it’s been quietly budding into a lucrative industry for years.

Silicon Valley’s Alkahest and other biomedical startups conduct similar research.


As one might expect, Bill Gates’ interest in the nascent industry has also been piqued.

Gates, the quintessential robber baron monopoly man in a non-threatening Mr. Rogers getup, loves nothing more than cornering the market on a valuable new biomedical commodity.

Why is corporate media mainstreaming anti-aging blood transfusions now?​

Previously, news of the elite-funded research into blood transfusions as the Fountain of Youth was relegated to the easily-dismissed fringes of journalism. “Respectable” outlets, in their own estimations, wouldn’t touch it.

Now the genie is out of the bottle. Corporate media like the Telegraph have made the editorial decision that it makes sense to mainstream the ideas that were once, although not altogether hidden, definitely outside of the purview of the public consciousness.

Exposing such research to public inquiry and debate before the time was right might have raised serious ethical pushback and threatened its development.

Remember back in the George W Bush days when stem cells were an issue of ethical contention? Look how far the contested ground has shifted.

This is called “moving the Overton Window” – shifting the bounds of consensus-driven ethical restraints slowly yet steadily. In this way, the biomedical corporate state avoids the pitfall of stirring enough popular unrest to derail their pet projects. Rather, it introduces these concepts on a controlled timeline.

The Telegraph piece gives away this rhetorical game in the last paragraph:

Now that hiding this type of research from public inquiry won’t be logistically feasible much longer as it’s adopted at larger scale, the job becomes to normalize it.

The same corporate media now reporting on the blood harvesting phenomenon has long painted it as “conspiracy theory.”
The bottom-line takeaway here is that “conspiracy theorists,” once again — as was the case with lab-engineered coronaviruses to instantiate a global biomedical technocracy – weren’t wrong; they were ahead of their time.

First the corporate media ignores reporting inconvenient stories they’re not ready to introduce to the public, then they outright deny them and label journalists who discuss them “conspiracy theorists.”

Then, when they can’t deny anymore, they obfuscate to conceal the true agenda by positing other, purer, philanthropic motives.

In this case, the philanthropic motive offered to justify blood harvesting of the global poor for elite benefit is preventing chronic diseases like Parkinson’s:

That promise might prove true – for them. If the elite get their way, you’re never going to benefit from such research. You’ll always belong to the donor class, the experimented-upon – never the beneficiary.
Transhumanism is an infinitesimally tiny proportion of the population transcending its humanity by merging with tech while experimenting on the useless eaters and, when they’re done, exterminating the remainder. It is the future the likes of World Economic Forum envision.

Qanon types & David Icke followers feel somewhat vindicated here.

I'm in the 'further research required' camp. Clearly tho', all those sci-fi dystopics weren't just telling us stories, they were seriously trying to warn us.
Qanon types & David Icke followers feel somewhat vindicated here.

I'm in the 'further research required' camp. Clearly tho', all those sci-fi dystopics weren't just telling us stories, they were seriously trying to warn us.
There's a fairly simple trajectory that can be plotted when you create a scenario that involves ego, wealth/ability, disdain for the life of others, the susceptibility to death and its realisation, add in some hyper-wired science and its proftability and you have 'the pursuit of eternal life'.
All steeped in materialism.

Youth Blood Harvesting: Another ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Vindicated as Fact​

No longer “conspiracy theory,” youth blood-sucking is official “fact” because the gatekeeping corporate media now acknowledges it.

Via The Telegraph:


“Youth transplants” is a euphemism for sucking out the vital fluids of baby/child “donors” and injecting them into aging recipients:

So, “nobody is suggesting” medically extracting cerebrospinal fluid from babies/children and injecting it into old (presumably well-paying) clients… except that’s precisely what they’re studying the feasibility of doing.
Biomedical entrepreneurs, in fact, are already cashing in:

Where do you suppose that “teenage blood plasma” was sourced from? The wealthy children of DC elites, or some poor farmer’s daughter in a Guatemalan village, or the Compton streets, or some Appalachian township?

The FDA issued a warning against Ambrosia‘s services on safety grounds, but the founder re-opened after briefly shutting down, he said, with the simple justification that “our patients really want the treatment.”
Of course, this research is nothing new under the sun; it’s been quietly budding into a lucrative industry for years.

Silicon Valley’s Alkahest and other biomedical startups conduct similar research.


As one might expect, Bill Gates’ interest in the nascent industry has also been piqued.

Gates, the quintessential robber baron monopoly man in a non-threatening Mr. Rogers getup, loves nothing more than cornering the market on a valuable new biomedical commodity.

Why is corporate media mainstreaming anti-aging blood transfusions now?​

Previously, news of the elite-funded research into blood transfusions as the Fountain of Youth was relegated to the easily-dismissed fringes of journalism. “Respectable” outlets, in their own estimations, wouldn’t touch it.

Now the genie is out of the bottle. Corporate media like the Telegraph have made the editorial decision that it makes sense to mainstream the ideas that were once, although not altogether hidden, definitely outside of the purview of the public consciousness.

Exposing such research to public inquiry and debate before the time was right might have raised serious ethical pushback and threatened its development.

Remember back in the George W Bush days when stem cells were an issue of ethical contention? Look how far the contested ground has shifted.

This is called “moving the Overton Window” – shifting the bounds of consensus-driven ethical restraints slowly yet steadily. In this way, the biomedical corporate state avoids the pitfall of stirring enough popular unrest to derail their pet projects. Rather, it introduces these concepts on a controlled timeline.

The Telegraph piece gives away this rhetorical game in the last paragraph:

Now that hiding this type of research from public inquiry won’t be logistically feasible much longer as it’s adopted at larger scale, the job becomes to normalize it.

The same corporate media now reporting on the blood harvesting phenomenon has long painted it as “conspiracy theory.”
The bottom-line takeaway here is that “conspiracy theorists,” once again — as was the case with lab-engineered coronaviruses to instantiate a global biomedical technocracy – weren’t wrong; they were ahead of their time.

First the corporate media ignores reporting inconvenient stories they’re not ready to introduce to the public, then they outright deny them and label journalists who discuss them “conspiracy theorists.”

Then, when they can’t deny anymore, they obfuscate to conceal the true agenda by positing other, purer, philanthropic motives.

In this case, the philanthropic motive offered to justify blood harvesting of the global poor for elite benefit is preventing chronic diseases like Parkinson’s:

That promise might prove true – for them. If the elite get their way, you’re never going to benefit from such research. You’ll always belong to the donor class, the experimented-upon – never the beneficiary.
Transhumanism is an infinitesimally tiny proportion of the population transcending its humanity by merging with tech while experimenting on the useless eaters and, when they’re done, exterminating the remainder. It is the future the likes of World Economic Forum envision.

Interesting that this has gone mainstream. Although I'm not sure I they are referring to Adrenochrome as this has been used in treatments for quite some time, very successfully too. I guess the nefarious side of it relates to how this is produced via young human or fetus sources and that of course leads to theories around Satanic rituals.

It's proper dark [Poor language removed] but does have uses in medical treatments.

The fact that Transhumanism and these treatments are discussed by WEF etc leads to dark dark places.

Drip fed these stories until general acceptance is a tactic used by OSS the forerunner to the CIA for a long time.

I guess it's only a conspiracy until its fact.

I'm reading or re-reading a fantastic book on JFK re the CIA involvement and when agencies lie about such huge stories and they did, then it leads to public distrust.

TL/DR warning...and i realise what i'm gonna say won't be popular. But i'm just gonna call it how i see it:

it depends on how you formulate it. The article admits: There are two versions of the theory. One, we might call it ‘great replacement lite’, is saying: ‘There’s a huge demographic shift and these people tend to vote Democrat in the US or Labour in the UK.’

Fact: white folk as a percentage of the population in Western nations is declining, while non-white folk's numbers are increasing.

Fact: non-white folk tend more to vote Democrat/Labour than Republicans/Conservatives.

Fact: Democrats/Labour support non-white immigration more than Republicans/Conservatives.

Fact: The birth-rates of migrated non-white folk is higher than native white Westerners.

Fact: the issue of skin-colour has risen significantly these last few years, with media outlets devoting far more airtime to it than in previous decades. The media-consuming masses are hyper-aware of skin-colour now, which i would argue is counter-productive if the aim is harmony.

What one may think about any of these facts doesn't change their factual nature.


Biden confirming:

Which studies also support:

The actual Conspiracy Theory aspect is believing that the above facts are intentionally planned to reduce the influence of conservative politics, and further: to reduce individuality by promoting group identities (what's known as identity-politics) as a populace of group-identities are easier for authoritarian states to control. This is achieved by ensuring pro-Democrat/anti-conservative people head major media outlets, which then push an anti-conservative narrative (i.e. making it a social-minefield, stigmatising it, to even talk about). This - theoretically - then results in more votes for the pro-liberal party. Which then results in being able to push such pro-immigration more, which results in more pro-liberal voters...

As conspiracy theories go, it's not totally outlandish or fantastic like others out there. Arguably even feasible.

Devil's Advocate: let's say it's true: this is being planned. If so, what does it mean for Western Society? Does it change anything? Why is it a bad thing, or why is it a good thing? Does it matter either way?

What's important is the tone and basic sense of human decency one should have when discussing such political-minefield subjects. People are people equally, regardless of their views or ethnic background. I try to treat all sides of the debate with respect. Tho' frankly it's easier here than on right-wing forums, who are even less intolerant of other views, and do sadly house some hateful racists who distort the debate with inhumane views.

A literal stone's throw from my flat we've got a refugee centre with 500 mostly-Arab folk residing. I've helped one with his asylum-application, because he's just a bloke with family who wants a stable comfy life, like we all do. But i also don't shy away from the big questions: like what this trend may mean in a few generations time. Islam, as we know by observing other countries, tends to dominate a nation's society when it becomes the main demographic. The population/ratio of adherents to Islam in Western societies is increasing every year. Is this trend pointing to something? Does it matter?

These are reasonable thoughts and concerns normal-thinking folk have, but have become terrified to publicly utter for fear of being branded a bad racist violent Replacement-Theory adherent.

This pushes the debate into the fringes, where more extreme hateful views get air-time. Some of these vile haters so amplify the issue that they become evil & deranged, and beget unspeakable horror on innocent victims (Breivik, the recent shootings etc).

A step in the right direction would be to support and foster fair-meaning mainstream debate involving everyone (Left, Right, Fence-Sitters and of course non-Westerners, non-white folk themselves). We invite the debate into the mainstream, together, thereby normalising it. Otherwise we get what's happening now: the debate is shut-down by 'progressives', leaving space for the Extreme to infiltrate the mainstream with their one-sided distorted view. So we get this polarised situation.

By normalising the debate, we leave the extreme fringes with no major voice, no significant airtime, no real power. Psychological-profiles from racist-driven mass-shooting-murderers often reveal a deluded sense of serving a higher purpose, amplified by the extreme fringes who themselves are amplified due to the mainstream debate getting shut down.

i.e. let's consider the Elephants in the room, for if we don't they'll end up stampeding all over the shop.

soz for the essay...but we need to start thinking about how to improve things: less polarisation, more coming together.

Great post.

White people are mostly lunatics.

They tend to be completely paranoid. About everything.

Christianity is every bit as scary as islam.

Neither are as scary as an Everton relegation battle.

The left and the right are the same thing with only slightly different agendas when they achieve absolute power.

Nationalism is great at filling graveyards.

As are the [Phrase removed].

More tomorrow.........
Great post.

White people are mostly lunatics.

They tend to be completely paranoid. About everything.

Christianity is every bit as scary as islam.

Neither are as scary as an Everton relegation battle.

The left and the right are the same thing with only slightly different agendas when they achieve absolute power.

Nationalism is great at filling graveyards.

As are the [Phrase removed].

More tomorrow.........
since when has the term for those lot who apply excessives pressure on walls been banned on here?

I could develop a conspiracy theory about this!!!!

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