TL/DR warning...and i realise what i'm gonna say won't be popular. But i'm just gonna call it how i see it:
it depends on how you formulate it. The article admits:
There are two versions of the theory. One, we might call it ‘great replacement lite’, is saying: ‘There’s a huge demographic shift and these people tend to vote Democrat in the US or Labour in the UK.’
Fact: white folk as a percentage of the population in Western nations is declining, while non-white folk's numbers are increasing.
Fact: non-white folk tend more to vote Democrat/Labour than Republicans/Conservatives.
Fact: Democrats/Labour support non-white immigration more than Republicans/Conservatives.
Fact: The birth-rates of migrated non-white folk is higher than native white Westerners.
Fact: the issue of skin-colour has risen significantly these last few years, with media outlets devoting far more airtime to it than in previous decades. The media-consuming masses are hyper-aware of skin-colour now, which i would argue is counter-productive if the aim is harmony.
What one may think about any of these facts doesn't change their factual nature.
Biden confirming:
Which studies also support:
Discover how new census data shows the rapid diversification of the American population.
The actual
Conspiracy Theory aspect is believing that the above facts are intentionally planned to reduce the influence of conservative politics, and further: to reduce individuality by promoting group identities (what's known as
identity-politics) as a populace of group-identities are easier for authoritarian states to control. This is achieved by ensuring pro-Democrat/anti-conservative people head major media outlets, which then push an anti-conservative narrative (i.e. making it a social-minefield, stigmatising it, to even talk about). This - theoretically - then results in more votes for the pro-liberal party. Which then results in being able to push such pro-immigration more, which results in more pro-liberal voters...
As conspiracy theories go, it's not totally outlandish or
fantastic like others out there. Arguably even feasible.
Devil's Advocate: let's say it's true: this is being planned. If so, what does it mean for Western Society? Does it change anything? Why is it a bad thing, or why is it a good thing? Does it matter either way?
What's important is the tone and basic sense of human decency one should have when discussing such political-minefield subjects. People are people equally, regardless of their views or ethnic background. I try to treat all sides of the debate with respect. Tho' frankly it's easier here than on right-wing forums, who are even less intolerant of other views, and do sadly house some hateful racists who distort the debate with inhumane views.
A literal stone's throw from my flat we've got a refugee centre with 500 mostly-Arab folk residing. I've helped one with his asylum-application, because he's just a bloke with family who wants a stable comfy life, like we all do. But i also don't shy away from the big questions: like what this trend may mean in a few generations time. Islam, as we know by observing other countries, tends to dominate a nation's society when it becomes the main demographic. The population/ratio of adherents to Islam in Western societies is increasing every year. Is this trend pointing to something? Does it matter?
These are reasonable thoughts and concerns normal-thinking folk have, but have become terrified to publicly utter for fear of being branded a
bad racist violent Replacement-Theory adherent.
This pushes the debate into the fringes, where more extreme hateful views get air-time. Some of these vile haters so amplify the issue that they become evil & deranged, and beget unspeakable horror on innocent victims (Breivik, the recent shootings etc).
A step in the right direction would be to support and foster fair-meaning mainstream debate involving everyone (Left, Right, Fence-Sitters and of course non-Westerners, non-white folk themselves). We
invite the debate into the mainstream, together, thereby normalising it. Otherwise we get what's happening now: the debate is shut-down by 'progressives', leaving space for the Extreme to infiltrate the mainstream with their one-sided distorted view. So we get this polarised situation.
By normalising the debate, we leave the extreme fringes with no major voice, no significant airtime, no real power. Psychological-profiles from racist-driven mass-shooting-murderers often reveal a deluded sense of serving a higher purpose, amplified by the extreme fringes who themselves are amplified due to the mainstream debate getting shut down.
i.e. let's consider the Elephants in the room, for if we don't they'll end up stampeding all over the shop.
soz for the essay...but we need to start thinking about how to improve things: less polarisation, more coming together.