The issue around this, and why there is defined division along so many abstract lines, is interpretation of language and meaning, alongside intent.
'Woke' was a term used among those railing against the system many years ago, mid 80s, a revival from the 60s hippy 'awareness' of the freedom of stepping out of the system.
Recognising what the system is, does and why is being 'woke', it isn't individual identification as a lemon called Jim or the right to have conjugal investigations into a honeydew melon, it is more ngaf and not going along with it all, mild nihilism, with the system, rightly, as a religion.
After the last couple of years, anyone thinking the system the world lives by is working for them is either extremely rich, high, deluded or masochistic.
Woke was hijacked by the system as a detrimental term to create more division.
And yet, here we are...