Conspiracy theories

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@Oddball I too am concerned about the cancel culture wokists and their leftist agenda. Give me links to good websites and videos so I may fully seperate myself from this herd of sheeple
quiet you`re fluttering heart my child. `tis all smoke and mirrors as the truth lies within that fluttering heart that so irks thee.

The system, or at least the parts that prop it up, tend to be 'on the right'.
There was a time, many beards ago, when 'alleged' skinhead gangs in full uniform, denim, air ware etc ( and I say 'alleged' as true 'skinheads' were actually none violent and integrated) would go around 'gay bashing', to counter it, a lot of gay men would shave their heads and dress similar. It took an element of power away, similarly when the black community seized the n-word (which I abhor used by anyone because of its true connotations).
It's propaganda wars, not that different to the battles between religions for 'veracity' or corporations for brand loyalty. It's about stopping you thinking for yourself, because if you think for yourself you exist in your own reality, in your own existence and you see things as they really are. Then you change.
I'm aware of most of that history too, but right now my point still stands: the folks who rail against "woke" are not thinking for themselves and are being fear-mongered by Christian right/far right into believing some of the most ridiculous stereotypes (e.g., all gay people are rainbow-wearing twerkers who wear scanty clothes; BLM is an arm of Antifa, kindergarten teachers are teaching white 6yr olds to hate their whiteness, etc. etc.).
quiet you`re fluttering heart my child. `tis all smoke and mirrors as the truth lies within that fluttering heart that so irks thee.


I'm aware of most of that history too, but right now my point still stands: the folks who rail against "woke" are not thinking for themselves and are being fear-mongered by Christian right/far right into believing some of the most ridiculous stereotypes (e.g., all gay people are rainbow-wearing twerkers who wear scanty clothes; BLM is an arm of Antifa, kindergarten teachers are teaching white 6yr olds to hate their whiteness, etc. etc.).
taking a leaf out of @magicjuan post which i believe to be true, its all polarising. as for railing? i`m not fighting for or against any cause, unlike you who i think see folks not of your mindset and immediately assume them to be something they are not- heres a puzzle for ya, why did Apu off the Simpsons get cancelled when the whole world was sent-up stereotype wise by that cartoon.
Oh the old anti mask, anti vax stuff. May not have been you.
soz in advance for long post, but such a serious complex issue can't be soundbited....maybe someone reading it will find something useful, or at least interesting.

i'm not anti-vax, i support its use for at-risk folk as well as any adult who wishes to take it. I don't support mandatory vax, or limiting the freedoms of the unvaccinated, or vaccinations for the under-18's.

For non-risk folk, I'm not convinced of its effectiveness in the Omicron-era. The official data (deaths/hospitalisations per vax-status) does not appear to support the vax at all. Anecdotally, there appears to be no difference to symptom-severity of the jabbed with Covid vs unjabbed with Covid. However, i agree the vax has proven good effectiveness for at-risk folk catching the Alpha/Delta variant. Which makes sense, as the vaccine was developed based on the original Wuhan-variant...the more variants evolve from that, the less related the current variant will be to what the vaccine is targeting.

Disclaimer: i'm unvaccinated myself, have had Covid twice...both times mild. I've followed all the rules, but the Virus does what it wants regardless.

On pro-vax propaganda, the most sinister i've heard so far was our (german) Kanzler telling the entire nation that the "unvaccinated are a danger to our children."

Then the Health Minister telling the folk that the vaccines are "free of side-effects" and that anyone not taking them is effectively choosing "not to save the lives of themselves and many others".

Incredible on so many levels...but sadly versions of this were repeated by civilians towards the unvaccinated, even in our own CA thread. There is no scientific consensus that those above statements are anywhere close to accurate. All the data tells us the vast majority of deaths are from the old, obese and already-ill...and that the infected carry similar viral loads for similar lengths of time, regardless of vaccination status. There's a convincing argument that it's the vaccinated who spread the virus, due to having more freedoms of movement, and feeling more blasé about spreading it as they felt 'protected'.

With such imbalance in the debate (also with social media removing posts, even accounts, of the vax-sceptical), it's no wonder conspiracy theories gain ground...and some turn out to be true, like the reduced sperm count of vaxxed males etc:


Those establishment 'fact-checkers' are also responsible for a lot of the polarisation these days (see also their performance when the Hunter Biden laptop story came out...another 'conspiracy theory' that turned out true).

On masks: i never wore one due to valid exemption: here in Germany i'm required to prove exemption, i think in UK it was more relaxed. On their effectiveness, i'm not convinced...the virus appeared to do its thing regardless of mask-mandates (lots of hard data on this). Hard lockdowns and strict distancing were more effective at containing spread, but had rather dire social consequences for many.

I support open discussion on vaccine issues, like side-effects and the nature of the EU's contract with Pfizer...which famously we're not privy to as it's heavily redacted, and Von der Leyen has deleted her private messages with the Pfizer CEO to prevent further scrutiny. Also interesting is how Big Pharma managed to turn around its reputation so smoothly, in the eyes of many. We mostly distrusted Big Pharma ppuntil fairly recently. And even further: how being pro-vax often puts you ideologically in the same camp as pro-Pride, pro-Ukraine, pro-Democrat, pro-BLM. This, naturally, means the other side are anti- all those things.

Labelism, as i mentioned in my last post, is another problem. I see it here, where i'm labelled anti-vax and all that entails (danger to the vulnerable etc), and i see it on actual anti-vax forums who take their scepticism too far in the other direction, believing all the vaxxed will soon die off, or the world will become infertile, ala Children of Men. There, in a futile attempt to bring the pendulum of collective understanding swinging towards the middle, i've been dismissed as a "shill" and sometimes even banned.

Polarisation...the fundamental poison of our times.

soz in advance for long post, but such a serious complex issue can't be soundbited....maybe someone reading it will find something useful, or at least interesting.

i'm not anti-vax, i support its use for at-risk folk as well as any adult who wishes to take it. I don't support mandatory vax, or limiting the freedoms of the unvaccinated, or vaccinations for the under-18's.

For non-risk folk, I'm not convinced of its effectiveness in the Omicron-era. The official data (deaths/hospitalisations per vax-status) does not appear to support the vax at all. Anecdotally, there appears to be no difference to symptom-severity of the jabbed with Covid vs unjabbed with Covid. However, i agree the vax has proven good effectiveness for at-risk folk catching the Alpha/Delta variant. Which makes sense, as the vaccine was developed based on the original Wuhan-variant...the more variants evolve from that, the less related the current variant will be to what the vaccine is targeting.

Disclaimer: i'm unvaccinated myself, have had Covid twice...both times mild. I've followed all the rules, but the Virus does what it wants regardless.

On pro-vax propaganda, the most sinister i've heard so far was our (german) Kanzler telling the entire nation that the "unvaccinated are a danger to our children."

Then the Health Minister telling the folk that the vaccines are "free of side-effects" and that anyone not taking them is effectively choosing "not to save the lives of themselves and many others".

Incredible on so many levels...but sadly versions of this were repeated by civilians towards the unvaccinated, even in our own CA thread. There is no scientific consensus that those above statements are anywhere close to accurate. All the data tells us the vast majority of deaths are from the old, obese and already-ill...and that the infected carry similar viral loads for similar lengths of time, regardless of vaccination status. There's a convincing argument that it's the vaccinated who spread the virus, due to having more freedoms of movement, and feeling more blasé about spreading it as they felt 'protected'.

With such imbalance in the debate (also with social media removing posts, even accounts, of the vax-sceptical), it's no wonder conspiracy theories gain ground...and some turn out to be true, like the reduced sperm count of vaxxed males etc:

View attachment 171639

Those establishment 'fact-checkers' are also responsible for a lot of the polarisation these days (see also their performance when the Hunter Biden laptop story came out...another 'conspiracy theory' that turned out true).

On masks: i never wore one due to valid exemption: here in Germany i'm required to prove exemption, i think in UK it was more relaxed. On their effectiveness, i'm not convinced...the virus appeared to do its thing regardless of mask-mandates (lots of hard data on this). Hard lockdowns and strict distancing were more effective at containing spread, but had rather dire social consequences for many.

I support open discussion on vaccine issues, like side-effects and the nature of the EU's contract with Pfizer...which famously we're not privy to as it's heavily redacted, and Von der Leyen has deleted her private messages with the Pfizer CEO to prevent further scrutiny. Also interesting is how Big Pharma managed to turn around its reputation so smoothly, in the eyes of many. We mostly distrusted Big Pharma ppuntil fairly recently. And even further: how being pro-vax often puts you ideologically in the same camp as pro-Pride, pro-Ukraine, pro-Democrat, pro-BLM. This, naturally, means the other side are anti- all those things.

Labelism, as i mentioned in my last post, is another problem. I see it here, where i'm labelled anti-vax and all that entails (danger to the vulnerable etc), and i see it on actual anti-vax forums who take their scepticism too far in the other direction, believing all the vaxxed will soon die off, or the world will become infertile, ala Children of Men. There, in a futile attempt to bring the pendulum of collective understanding swinging towards the middle, i've been dismissed as a "shill" and sometimes even banned.

Polarisation...the fundamental poison of our times.
The sperm count thing you've referenced is not a conspiracy theory.

It's an absence of evidence to support the claim.

Dec 21 - no evidence
June 22 - here's some evidence from a Sperm Donor testing group which indicates temporary reduction in sperm concentration and motile count.

Which, I will add, concludes 'from a clinical perspective (the study) confirm previous reports regarding vaccines' overall safety and reliability despite minor short-term side effects. Since misinformation about health-related subjects represents a public health threat, our findings should support vaccinations programs'.
taking a leaf out of @magicjuan post which i believe to be true, its all polarising. as for railing? i`m not fighting for or against any cause, unlike you who i think see folks not of your mindset and immediately assume them to be something they are not- heres a puzzle for ya, why did Apu off the Simpsons get cancelled when the whole world was sent-up stereotype wise by that cartoon.
soz in advance for long post, but such a serious complex issue can't be soundbited....maybe someone reading it will find something useful, or at least interesting.

i'm not anti-vax, i support its use for at-risk folk as well as any adult who wishes to take it. I don't support mandatory vax, or limiting the freedoms of the unvaccinated, or vaccinations for the under-18's.

For non-risk folk, I'm not convinced of its effectiveness in the Omicron-era. The official data (deaths/hospitalisations per vax-status) does not appear to support the vax at all. Anecdotally, there appears to be no difference to symptom-severity of the jabbed with Covid vs unjabbed with Covid. However, i agree the vax has proven good effectiveness for at-risk folk catching the Alpha/Delta variant. Which makes sense, as the vaccine was developed based on the original Wuhan-variant...the more variants evolve from that, the less related the current variant will be to what the vaccine is targeting.

Disclaimer: i'm unvaccinated myself, have had Covid twice...both times mild. I've followed all the rules, but the Virus does what it wants regardless.

On pro-vax propaganda, the most sinister i've heard so far was our (german) Kanzler telling the entire nation that the "unvaccinated are a danger to our children."

Then the Health Minister telling the folk that the vaccines are "free of side-effects" and that anyone not taking them is effectively choosing "not to save the lives of themselves and many others".

Incredible on so many levels...but sadly versions of this were repeated by civilians towards the unvaccinated, even in our own CA thread. There is no scientific consensus that those above statements are anywhere close to accurate. All the data tells us the vast majority of deaths are from the old, obese and already-ill...and that the infected carry similar viral loads for similar lengths of time, regardless of vaccination status. There's a convincing argument that it's the vaccinated who spread the virus, due to having more freedoms of movement, and feeling more blasé about spreading it as they felt 'protected'.

With such imbalance in the debate (also with social media removing posts, even accounts, of the vax-sceptical), it's no wonder conspiracy theories gain ground...and some turn out to be true, like the reduced sperm count of vaxxed males etc:

View attachment 171639

Those establishment 'fact-checkers' are also responsible for a lot of the polarisation these days (see also their performance when the Hunter Biden laptop story came out...another 'conspiracy theory' that turned out true).

On masks: i never wore one due to valid exemption: here in Germany i'm required to prove exemption, i think in UK it was more relaxed. On their effectiveness, i'm not convinced...the virus appeared to do its thing regardless of mask-mandates (lots of hard data on this). Hard lockdowns and strict distancing were more effective at containing spread, but had rather dire social consequences for many.

I support open discussion on vaccine issues, like side-effects and the nature of the EU's contract with Pfizer...which famously we're not privy to as it's heavily redacted, and Von der Leyen has deleted her private messages with the Pfizer CEO to prevent further scrutiny. Also interesting is how Big Pharma managed to turn around its reputation so smoothly, in the eyes of many. We mostly distrusted Big Pharma ppuntil fairly recently. And even further: how being pro-vax often puts you ideologically in the same camp as pro-Pride, pro-Ukraine, pro-Democrat, pro-BLM. This, naturally, means the other side are anti- all those things.

Labelism, as i mentioned in my last post, is another problem. I see it here, where i'm labelled anti-vax and all that entails (danger to the vulnerable etc), and i see it on actual anti-vax forums who take their scepticism too far in the other direction, believing all the vaxxed will soon die off, or the world will become infertile, ala Children of Men. There, in a futile attempt to bring the pendulum of collective understanding swinging towards the middle, i've been dismissed as a "shill" and sometimes even banned.

Polarisation...the fundamental poison of our times.

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