Player Valuation: £60m
What lies? What haven't i read correctly? Are yous so blinded by your ideology that you don't see what is being reported here? It's a significant Domino-fall which supports conspiracy theories rather than refutes them.
Of course they will attempt some form of damage-control in their follow-up tweets. Is that what you're basing your opinion of?
Again, the official government is now admitting there is such a thing as (relatively) common heavy side-effects. A far cry from the bold claims of its chief that the vaccines are 'free of side-effects':
View attachment 174808
This 1-in-5000 per dose is already very high. When we factor in multiple-doses-per-person and that the majority of victims are younger folk (often males aged 12-40) not at risk of hospitalised Covid, then it gets exponentially higher. Then there's all the unreported cases (almost certainly far more than what is reported).
We're actually looking at an estimated 1-in-100 to 1-in-300 chance of someone in the 12-40 age group getting a serious side-effect.
This is in-line with the Charité's findings:
Corona-Impfung: Charité-Forscher fordert Ambulanzen für Impfgeschädigte | MDR.DE
An der Charite in Berlin wird zu Nebenwirkungen nach Corona-Impfungen geforscht. Professor Harald Matthes leitet die Untersuchung und fordert mehr Anlaufstellen für
and other journo reports:
Corona-Impfung: 2,5 Millionen Patienten meldeten Nebenwirkungen in Deutschland - WELT
Eine Auswertung der Kassenärztlichen Bundesvereinigung zeigt: 2,5 Millionen Bürger gingen vergangenes Jahr in Deutschland wegen Nebenwirkungen der Corona-Impfung zum Arzt – und damit offenbar deutlich öfter als bei anderen
The 'conspiracy theory' is: the vaccine-push for younger folk was profit-driven, they were not medically needed and in fact statistically cause more problems than they solve.
Backed up also by many reports of boostered having not-so-mild cases of Covid. As well as official hospital figures which say over 90% of intensive Covid patients are vaccinated.
The evidence in support of this 'conspiracy theory' looks pretty convincing.
The truth will out.
Are you LaMDA?