Full marks for condescension. Yet you're the 'scientist' who repeatedly
failed to understand that a 2% rise over a set benchmark is less than a 14% rise.
Officially reported
are 2.2-in-1000. Rounded up that makes 440-in-200,000. That's a whopping 440-fold increase to your estimate. And that's only those officially reported.
Myocarditis accounts for up to 40-in-200,000 for males under 30. That's a 40-fold increase from your estimate, and that's only one specific symptom.
In total over 130,000 "adverse events" have been reported in Australia after vaccination. How serious each of these are is not detailed, but presumably serious enough to warrant filing a report.
How many 12-50 year olds have had serious Covid-disease complications since the vaccines have been available? A few hundred? How many with co-morbidities?
How many healthy 12-50 year olds have had mild Covid? 99% How many were unvaccinated and still had mild Covid? How many vaccinated have had moderate-to-heavy Covid?
Such essential data is missing, but is required if one wishes to make an informed decision on vaccination.
Then there's the
tens-of-thousands of Australians actively seeking compensation for vaccine-injuries. Unfortunately, the process has been made so difficult, complex & tiring (i.e..how to prove the vaccine was at fault?), that
less than a tenth of those have managed to complete it, and even then the wheels of bureaucracy churn so slow that most of them are still waiting for updates.
So, with this data-set we can indeed have two interpretations:
1) over 130,000 reported side-effects (or 1-in-500) plus several thousands of compensation claims appear to show that vaccine side-effects are a serious and common issue in Australia.
2) the fact that there have only been a handful of actual payouts means proven vaccine issues are rare. And that the most serious side-effects like heart-issues/thrombosis appear to have acceptably-rare rates (when including entire demographics rather than just young males).
Data is in the eye of the beholder.
But there's a lot of pissed-off folk out there who are beginning to feel misled by the big push for the jab. Everywhere. I recently was in Croatia, and put the feelers out to check the general mood...they've become very sceptical.
Online, you see almost everywhere you look a significant swing towards vaccine-scepticism. Most people have had Omicron and wondered what the fuss is about, many have had jab side-effects and wondered if it was worth it and quite a few have had the chance to compare their Covid (infectiousness + symptoms) with the unvaccinated and are unable to see any difference.
The people are beginning to notice something isn't quite right with the big vax push.
GOT is a bit of an outlier in that it appears the majority-opinion is one of broad pro-vax support, or at least one of scepticism towards the vax-critics. This mood feels outdated...like it belongs in 2021.
Yes, it is.