Get creative. Make your own upCan’t you just have a fight and the winner is correct?
I want to hear more about the earth being flat & aliens. Going to a party on Friday and I need some content for the 5am kitchen talk.
Get creative. Make your own upCan’t you just have a fight and the winner is correct?
I want to hear more about the earth being flat & aliens. Going to a party on Friday and I need some content for the 5am kitchen talk.
I wish the aliens would come along and abduct certain posters.Can’t you just have a fight and the winner is correct?
I want to hear more about the earth being flat & aliens. Going to a party on Friday and I need some content for the 5am kitchen talk.
I wish the aliens would come along and abduct certain posters.
I imagine at first contact, if your first words were "do you want to hear some conspiracy theories?" they'd put you back
I imagine if they read some of the dross that’s been posted on GOT over the past few days they would scurry back off as quick as possible. That or…I imagine at first contact, if your first words were "do you want to hear some conspiracy theories?" they'd put you back
So you've got no hypothesis.My hypothesis is you don’t understand the data you’re making strong claims about. Your last couple of posts support that hypothesis. I’m done here.
I don't think you've read any of my posts then.What is missing from your analysis is the idea of risk.
Why would you imagine that, when all the links i've offered have been official government info?I would imagine a lot of your information is given to you 3rd hand, through forums etc.
The video I linked has nothing to do with Rogan, and pre-dates his podcats making mention of it.As for you mass formation psychosis, how anti vax folk don’t see the irony, when they surround themselves by like style social media and forums. That, even though it was a term made up on anti vax Rogan, is mind boggling.
How is any of this relevant? Who mentioned Rogan or a cold?Also on Rogan, Mr it’s not that bad, it’s just a cold. Why did run out and get loads of different treatments? I don’t when I have a cold, maybe a few paracetamol at best but monoclonal antibodies….for a cold.
For you own sake, stop being conned by these people!!!
The article i linked, which was all about the point i was making, is that there was no increase in heat-deaths from previous years, in fact there was a relative decrease. It's a very simple data-set to understand:No, I'm the scientist that fully understood a 2% rise is not a reduction, which is the point I repeatedly made.
That's what i've been doing the whole time.all I ask is that you have critically reviewed them before posting
Do you have any evidence for this claim?I wonder how many of the vaccine wary did that just to skew official numbers? For that reason, the third perspective is that the number of reported side effects could be considered a totally irrelevant data point not worthy of even being discussed.
Where are you seeing this opposite? I will check it out.Your last point certainly demonstrates something - you are seeing an increase online of people becoming sceptical of vaccines - I'm actually seeing the opposite.
Try the Mass Psychosis theory. You'll either get knowing nods of agreement or offended hysteria.I want to hear more about the earth being flat & aliens. Going to a party on Friday and I need some content for the 5am kitchen talk.
The article i linked, which was all about the point i was making, is that there was no increase in heat-deaths from previous years, in fact there was a relative decrease. It's a very simple data-set to understand:
Benchmark is A.
Period B had 14% increase over A.
Period C had 2% increase over A.
Did C increase over B?
No...of course not. Period C had reduced deaths in comparison to B. The very headline lead with this: Heat-Related Deaths Drop.
How on Earth you still insist the opposite is true is incredible.
Feels like I'm explaining basic maths to a child. It's like you see the word "rise" or "increase" and can't fathom what else it might mean.
You're a scientist? Ok mate.
That's what i've been doing the whole time.
Maybe take your own advice
Do you have any evidence for this claim?
Ergo, when the method for verifying side-effects is so complex, time-consuming and logistically/technically-unfeasible that Doctors are officially directed to inform their patients to self-report, then your conclusion is such reports aren't worth considering.
Scientist, yeah? lol
Where are you seeing this opposite? I will check it out.
Here's a meaty conspiracy-theory for ya:
WEF has placed its people into positions of power all over the world, with the the aim to effectively rule it, and own it, centrally. The fabled New World Order.
Here's a beginner's guide:
1) in best Bond-villain accent: "ve vill penetrate ze Cabinets"...the baddie has to tell us what he's planning. It's the rules.
2) one such Cabinet headed by this woman (much-admired by the Left):
Jacinda Ardern
Bachelor’s in Professional Communication, University of Waikato. Former Adviser, Office of then New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark; then worked in London for the British Cabinet Office. Also volunteered at a soup kitchen in New York. 2008, entered New Zealand’s Parliament at the age of
3) who says stuff like this:
4) which recalls a chilling quote from everyone's favourite dystopian fiction:
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
5) The proles will own nothing and have no privacy:
6) including the farmers, by way of regulations authorised by penetrated Cabinets. They will be forced by sheer poverty to sell their lands to WEF-controlled mega-entities:
Trudeau pushes ahead on fertilizer reduction as provinces and farmers cry foul
Government plans to reduce fertilizer use have resulted in protests in the Netherlands and a government overthrow in Sri
America’s Biggest Owner Of Farmland Is Now Bill Gates
The Microsoft billionaire has been quietly building a 242,000-acre portfolio of agricultural land across 18
Bill Gates - official Agenda Contributor - WEF.
As conspiracy theories go, it's not even that outlandish. If anything, it's worryingly the point where i imagine some on here will even welcome them as overlords, or at least see this move as benevolent.
The Rabbit Hole offers many WEF-links to key positions in the media, and particularly pro-active roles in the various global crises going on these days.
So you've got no hypothesis.
Critiquing other views is easy if you're not offering any coherent counter-view.
I'm still waiting for them to rationalise their belief that the vaccine is to kill us all off. Surely, the government would want us to survive, as we are the "sheep" who have blindly followed them? The anti-vaxers are the ones the government would want to get rid of, so it makes more sense that the vaccination is real in their world as well.I know hundreds of people who got the vaccine, including myself and the missus, and not one of them experienced any negative side effects apart from some drowsiness on the first day. I literally know nobody who has reported adverse after-effects.
To all the anti-vax dorks that post here, if everyone does start dropping dead from the vaccine, me and my anomalous circle of immune super-people will fight tooth and nail to take the world back from the evil scientists