Not a fan of his Zat or just this particular opener?I think it makes him look like an utter fool.
Yeah this is me to be fair.Funny anyone who dosent have it says its crap and full of nonces hahahah
It is a DEX yes so you can go trade your perps without the need for a scammy CEX and be in control of your own keys.
I tend to avoid the terms used in underground sex rings Zat.
Horse manure and you know it.
Not a fan of his Zat or just this particular opener?
Did you ever read his long form piece on crypto, would be interested in what you thought - I have read snippets and keep on meaning to read it in full at some point.
Bloomberg's Matt Levine Writes 40,000-Word Article on Crypto
It's the only article this week in Businessweek, just the second time the magazine has been filled by a single
£85k per bank/building society.
FWIW I think he has done his research, he is a pretty well respected financial journo who was formerly an investment banker at GS. I found stupid is that (as in my above post) there are so many different types of exchanges...not only in terms of functionality but also ownership and regulation.
Is he not aware that some exchanges are bank owned? Have certain levels of regulation OR are only operating through risk free technology and catering to institutions.
If youre going to take an outlandish and cut throat it to the world...surely you do some research.
So i would say the man is stupid.
For this article, makes a few fair points.
I think I said me its purely a financial product that moves up and down.
Others like @DuuuncanHadaPigeon are very passionate about crypto.
Its becoming a very large space. Certainly isnt the dodgy arena its made out to be, although in ALL business segments there are illegal operators.
Safe words are for losers.Whats the safe word your Mrs uses?
my new team
Agree, my general point was DEX > CEX and is more in line with what crypto is all about.Thanks for the second confirmation
Exchanges dont need to be "criminal" or "scammy".
in fact depending on whether you want to trade on an exchange which is decentralised, a dark pool, public listed or in fact owned and operated by a bank...theres a lot of choice.
The bloomberg quote is just pure stupidity.
Whats the safe word your Mrs uses?
All anyone cares about is number go up, I don't buy into narratives and have said before 99% of crypto is basically garbage vaporware. I am passionate about the fundamental principles of crypto and I understand the technology behind it very well but hate the crypto space, I hate NFTs, I hate crypto youtubers and all that. I only hold one coin.What I found stupid is that (as in my above post) there are so many different types of exchanges...not only in terms of functionality but also ownership and regulation.
Is he not aware that some exchanges are bank owned? Have certain levels of regulation OR are only operating through risk free technology and catering to institutions.
If youre going to take an outlandish and cut throat it to the world...surely you do some research.
So i would say the man is stupid.
For this article, makes a few fair points.
I think I said me its purely a financial product that moves up and down.
Others like @DuuuncanHadaPigeon are very passionate about crypto.
Its becoming a very large space. Certainly isnt the dodgy arena its made out to be, although in ALL business segments there are illegal operators.
my new team
but what if there was a way i could have a savings account for my retirement,Hes 100% correct.
Drug dealers and child molesters as far as the eye can see.
What other type of people need to move cash without trace?
What if you could do all of this and earn yield?but what if there was a way i could have a savings account for my retirement,
take sole custody,responsibility,
have no exposure to banks,crappy pension funds/managers
and have no government interference?