What happened go the girlfriend you mentioned seeing End Game with a couple of weeks ago Zat?

What happened go the girlfriend you mentioned seeing End Game with a couple of weeks ago Zat?
What accents did you do?
Frank you make us all laugh
By the way if she has kids, you've not been trolling around Mother care to get this date have youlol
I think you've read the correct way into the the situation.
im not after a one night stand , shes a lovely girl, who quite rightly has other priorities like her job and young kids , we just met to see if there was a mutual attraction, which id say there defo has been … we got on really well too, I had her laughing , which is always a good sign..
as she is working till Tuesday night and having to flip shifts , we are going to go for some brunch weds morning … im off all week as my course has been put back a week due to lack of tutors..
weve spoken on the phone and been txting but nothing over the top … it all feels right
She got fed up of being an imaginary prisoner in his bedsit and left him.What happened go the girlfriend you mentioned seeing End Game with a couple of weeks ago Zat?
What happened go the girlfriend you mentioned seeing End Game with a couple of weeks ago Zat?
I think you've read the correct way into the the situation.
im not after a one night stand , shes a lovely girl, who quite rightly has other priorities like her job and young kids , we just met to see if there was a mutual attraction, which id say there defo has been … we got on really well too, I had her laughing , which is always a good sign..
as she is working till Tuesday night and having to flip shifts , we are going to go for some brunch weds morning … im off all week as my course has been put back a week due to lack of tutors..
weve spoken on the phone and been txting but nothing over the top … it all feels right
you sound like such a catch ... watching her eating whilst dribbling, looking green and stinking of alcopops...
errr joey , defo not !
Im not in any parrticular rush, I wasn't actively looking for a date , im quite happy trying to get my life back on track at the moment, but its funny how these things just pop up out of the blue.
I know plenty of lads, well most of my mates in fact, that desperately seek out dates with literally anyone as they cant stand the thought of being alone for a week or two, or longer even. these are the lads who now have kids and houses with other halves that don't even speak to them and are completely head fecked.
that isn't what I will be doing. id rather be on my own than in some situation I absolutely detest
Frank you make us all laugh
By the way if she has kids, you've not been trolling around Mother care to get this date have youlol
Or this is Frank he is a HGV driver do you want to sit in his cab , and blow his horn -a great way for Frank to get a bond with the kids ...... no sexual connotations there either before you start @COYBL25 25 lolImagine if this was your mar and she brought Frank home.
" Kids this is Frank, I know he smells a bit, needs delousing and a good dentist, but he`s going to be your new dad ".
" What`s the number for Social Services mum "
Shes staying over this weekend...hence why I told the others next week...
Youre a man of old fashioned values eh Bungle...me, not so much until marriage
1 -- Most relationships are built on attraction. Not sure why a one night stand isnt the immediate goal...sounds like youve fallen in love
2 -- Calling and texting...thats sweet, are you two best friends now lol get her a care bear to keep her company when youre not around lol
3 -- Brunches arent a good idea unless she has the rest of the day off...it doesnt lead to anything otherwise...
Youre thinking to play it slow...girls dont go for that no matter what your mum told you...
And yet im the one getting copious amounts of action, always have done...funny old world isnt it
The more interest you have, the slower you take things, the greater the effort....the less likely things will work out...
In uncle Zats experience.
Go for it...dont play safe like a best friend.
He's been reading Mills & Boon again Franklolzat your defo one of them that women tend to avoid, hence all the dates you seem to go on.
Wait a second. Is this thread just a load of middle aged men, pretending they’re all lotharios but the actual truth is the last time a lass even spoke to them they jizzed themselves and hid in their bins for the next 6 weeks!? Has anyone actually told a true story!?!
Haha. I don’t belong here. *crywanks
Wait a second. Is this thread just a load of middle aged men, pretending they’re all lotharios but the actual truth is the last time a lass even spoke to them they jizzed themselves and hid in their bins for the next 6 weeks!? Has anyone actually told a true story!?!
Haha. I don’t belong here. *crywanks