Chin up mate, Frank is living proof that the sometimes the impossible is possible.
He`s somehow managed to find a girl who is blind, deaf and with no sense of smell.
He did the Rocky Dennis trick

Chin up mate, Frank is living proof that the sometimes the impossible is possible.
He`s somehow managed to find a girl who is blind, deaf and with no sense of smell.
Ff's Frank, this popcorn is covered in mayonnaise, and why have you fallen asleep?Don't forget to put a hole in the bottom of the popcorn box so you can give her a surprise during the movie.
Is that where she ended up?ive sent her some flowers to her ward at work today !
Two interesting experiences this week...
One with a female boxer and her mate...basically fire and ice.
Another with a girl who has 38E sized bazookas
Have to say...they were a bit large for my taste...
Start your own thread please.
This is Franks land of make believe not yours.
Thank you for your cooperation
Would. Don’t even care.