Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Lockdowns burning my brain out lads.

I'm in abit of a tricky position in terms of the vaccine, I'm epileptic and recently I've been having more and more fits, medications been bumped up which is something I despise but its gotta be done I suppose. I think it's from stress of uni, isolation, missing family, friends, etc. In terms of the vaccine I'm worried about taking it without seeing my neurologist, I can't see my neurologist due to covid, the clinics aren't back up yet.

All this talk of "ya not allowed to partake in society if you haven't had the vaccine" scares me, I want the vaccine but with my health being bad atm anyway, I want to speak to someone who is qualified and and knows my personal circumstances.

It feels like coercion rather than informed consent. I dont feel I should be punished for waiting to speak to someone about my individual circumstances and its not the government's job to force medications on me.

I'm not an anti-vax idiot, nobody is microchipping anybody, bill gates is just a computer fella.

I'm just scared they're effectively taking the choice away from me if I want to see my friends and family.

I find it strange how I'm safe enough to continue working but may be deemed too unsafe to enjoy my life.

Hope you guys are all OK, and dealing with lockdown ok.

Sorry for droning on

Lockdowns burning my brain out lads.

I'm in abit of a tricky position in terms of the vaccine, I'm epileptic and recently I've been having more and more fits, medications been bumped up which is something I despise but its gotta be done I suppose. I think it's from stress of uni, isolation, missing family, friends, etc. In terms of the vaccine I'm worried about taking it without seeing my neurologist, I can't see my neurologist due to covid, the clinics aren't back up yet.

All this talk of "ya not allowed to partake in society if you haven't had the vaccine" scares me, I want the vaccine but with my health being bad atm anyway, I want to speak to someone who is qualified and and knows my personal circumstances.

It feels like coercion rather than informed consent. I dont feel I should be punished for waiting to speak to someone about my individual circumstances and its not the government's job to force medications on me.

I'm not an anti-vax idiot, nobody is microchipping anybody, bill gates is just a computer fella.

I'm just scared they're effectively taking the choice away from me if I want to see my friends and family.

I find it strange how I'm safe enough to continue working but may be deemed too unsafe to enjoy my life.

Hope you guys are all OK, and dealing with lockdown ok.

Sorry for droning on

Can you not speak to your GP mate ?

For what it`s worth, my sister inlaw in the States is epileptic and had the vaccine last month, with no side effects whatsoever.

She`s on medication too ( I don`t know what it`s name is ) but I know it`s powerful stuff, as she doesn`t drive for a while after she`s taken it.

Also, have you had a look at the forums for your condition , as you may be able to get help and advice on there too ?
Lockdowns burning my brain out lads.

I'm in abit of a tricky position in terms of the vaccine, I'm epileptic and recently I've been having more and more fits, medications been bumped up which is something I despise but its gotta be done I suppose. I think it's from stress of uni, isolation, missing family, friends, etc. In terms of the vaccine I'm worried about taking it without seeing my neurologist, I can't see my neurologist due to covid, the clinics aren't back up yet.

All this talk of "ya not allowed to partake in society if you haven't had the vaccine" scares me, I want the vaccine but with my health being bad atm anyway, I want to speak to someone who is qualified and and knows my personal circumstances.

It feels like coercion rather than informed consent. I dont feel I should be punished for waiting to speak to someone about my individual circumstances and its not the government's job to force medications on me.

I'm not an anti-vax idiot, nobody is microchipping anybody, bill gates is just a computer fella.

I'm just scared they're effectively taking the choice away from me if I want to see my friends and family.

I find it strange how I'm safe enough to continue working but may be deemed too unsafe to enjoy my life.

Hope you guys are all OK, and dealing with lockdown ok.

Sorry for droning on

Are you soon to be in line for the vaccine mate due to your epilepsy? If not you might have the clinics back open before you're due anyway which would be good. If due soon are there no other neurologists available for online consultations etc. you can look into? I know for me, not a neurologist, but the therapists in my area are all doing online consultations now.
Can you not speak to your GP mate ?

For what it`s worth, my sister inlaw in the States is epileptic and had the vaccine last month, with no side effects whatsoever.

She`s on medication too ( I don`t know what it`s name is ) but I know it`s powerful stuff, as she doesn`t drive for a while after she`s taken it.

Also, have you had a look at the forums for your condition , as you may be able to get help and advice on there too ?
Essentially they've just said "the epilepsy association" or whatever the institution is called, for the UK has said its ok to take, not much study gone into it, they've found some negatives for down syndrome people taking it with epilepsy but that needs further study apparently.

I spoke to my specialist nurse cos their clinics are open but it just feels weird cos I don't know her, I've been with my neurologist for over 10 years, I trust his advice like.

The rollout programme in general looks to be doing good, I just dislike this turn toward coercion.

I haven't had a look at any epilepsy forums actually thats a good idea, I'll look into that
Are you soon to be in line for the vaccine mate due to your epilepsy? If not you might have the clinics back open before you're due anyway which would be good. If due soon are there no other neurologists available for online consultations etc. you can look into? I know for me, not a neurologist, but the therapists in my area are all doing online consultations now.
Yeahhh got the text today off the gp saying I can book in like, don't think it's cos of the epilepsy it doesn't make me more vulnerable or anything, just spoke to me specialist nurse as I said before but they effectively said "not much bad evidence, needs more research", didn't fill me with confidence when I'm having trouble just keeping consciousness most of the time.

Thanks for not treating me like a nutter anyway, I feel like everyone wants to bite off people's heads as soon as ya say "I'm not sure if I want this right now".

Yeahhh got the text today off the gp saying I can book in like, don't think it's cos of the epilepsy it doesn't make me more vulnerable or anything, just spoke to me specialist nurse as I said before but they effectively said "not much bad evidence, needs more research", didn't fill me with confidence when I'm having trouble just keeping consciousness most of the time.

Thanks for not treating me like a nutter anyway, I feel like everyone wants to bite off people's heads as soon as ya say "I'm not sure if I want this right now".

Well is there any real pressure on you to get the vaccine? Are you feeling more vulnerable than most to COVID over the last year? I mean if there's nothing stopping you holding off on the vaccine till you feel more comfortable/have more answers then you could just do that.

All this vaccine passport stuff won't kick in till the Summer onwards anyway I'd imagine if it does.
Yeahhh got the text today off the gp saying I can book in like, don't think it's cos of the epilepsy it doesn't make me more vulnerable or anything, just spoke to me specialist nurse as I said before but they effectively said "not much bad evidence, needs more research", didn't fill me with confidence when I'm having trouble just keeping consciousness most of the time.

Thanks for not treating me like a nutter anyway, I feel like everyone wants to bite off people's heads as soon as ya say "I'm not sure if I want this right now".

Everyone’s circumstances are different mate, it’s about what’s doing best for you and what you feel comfortable with.
Aww thanks lads, I really appreciate it.

Actually talking about this with level headed people is nice, I really do appreciate it.

I think I will just tell them I'm gonna hold off til I can speak to me neurologist like, work aren't pressuring us to get it or anything yet I think I'm just anxious worrying about what can come possibly at the end of it if I do start getting pressured into it, lockdown and not seeing people and stuff has made me less sure of my decision making and that I think, I used to be quiet sure of myself.
This 100%. I did a mental health first aid course about 18 months ago, run jointly by TUC and Mental Health England. The bloke from Mental Health England said you should always ask if you notice somebody's behaviour is different. One of the people on the course talked about a person he line managed, she had visible self harm scars on her arm that he noticed for the first time one day. He said to her "Do you want to talk about those?" She said no. He then asked "are you talking to anybody about them?" She relied that she was, told him about the people she was seeing. He said he felt reassured and also happy that he had asked her. The tutor also said never ignore somebody referencing suicide - even if you think they are joking. You should challenge, nicely. He gave the example of somebody saying "Well I might as well not be here", ask them what do they mean by that. You might just save a life.
Well said Anjel. As a pointer for everybody self harm scars do not always equate to suicide. They DO equate always to mental distress. Always. Self harm is a mal adaptive way of coping with anxieties. Girls who are struggling mentally especially are very easy to spot in the summer as they more often than not are wearing long sleeved tops. If you find a loved one self harming please do not panic but as Anjel has just said have a sensitive chat with them. I want to re iterate what I and Anjel have said, please be Pro active if you suspect someone is struggling. It is extremely important to tell someone there is someone who cares. Incidentally, people VERY rarely ref suicide in a humorous context. If I had a pound everytime someone has said to me " I thought no one cares, I was on the edge " I'd be rich. I apologise if my posts are a little preachy ( sanctimonious ? ).

This 100%. I did a mental health first aid course about 18 months ago, run jointly by TUC and Mental Health England. The bloke from Mental Health England said you should always ask if you notice somebody's behaviour is different. One of the people on the course talked about a person he line managed, she had visible self harm scars on her arm that he noticed for the first time one day. He said to her "Do you want to talk about those?" She said no. He then asked "are you talking to anybody about them?" She relied that she was, told him about the people she was seeing. He said he felt reassured and also happy that he had asked her. The tutor also said never ignore somebody referencing suicide - even if you think they are joking. You should challenge, nicely. He gave the example of somebody saying "Well I might as well not be here", ask them what do they mean by that. You might just save a life.

I know a few friends with self-harm scars and even if someone's intentions are sound they kick off big time if people ask them are they okay etc. Find it quite a tricky one as they're not hiding their scars so are almost inviting queries from friends.

I know a few friends with self-harm scars and even if someone's intentions are sound they kick off big time if people ask them are they okay etc. Find it quite a tricky one as they're not hiding their scars so are almost inviting queries from friends.
Number this is a good point. I work on a Unit where we ask the patients to cover up their self harm scars as it can be triggering for other patients. Needless to say some of these scars are horrific. Truthfully, I've seen so many - and had to treat - so many injuries however seeing then can be distressing. It is very tricky but if I had a loved one or friend with them I would mention - sensitively - about their origins. As I say self harming is a way of coping with thoughts feelings and anxieties. I always gently suggest there are less harmful ways of coping with distress. It is getting a bit deep but people self harm in all sorts of ways. Putting themselves in risky situations, drinking and taking drugs - self medicating for example. I'm going off on a tangent about self harm a little but what I'm really saying is please don't always associate self harm with suicidal ideation, it's more of a in appropriate way of coping and yes, showing / displaying them can be a way for some people of saying " I'm feeling terrible about myself, look what I'm doing ". I hope this makes sense to people and perhaps gives them reassurance if they come across their children / young people doing it. Apologies if I'm " preaching to the converted ". Cheers.
Lockdowns burning my brain out lads.

I'm in abit of a tricky position in terms of the vaccine, I'm epileptic and recently I've been having more and more fits, medications been bumped up which is something I despise but its gotta be done I suppose. I think it's from stress of uni, isolation, missing family, friends, etc. In terms of the vaccine I'm worried about taking it without seeing my neurologist, I can't see my neurologist due to covid, the clinics aren't back up yet.

All this talk of "ya not allowed to partake in society if you haven't had the vaccine" scares me, I want the vaccine but with my health being bad atm anyway, I want to speak to someone who is qualified and and knows my personal circumstances.

It feels like coercion rather than informed consent. I dont feel I should be punished for waiting to speak to someone about my individual circumstances and its not the government's job to force medications on me.

I'm not an anti-vax idiot, nobody is microchipping anybody, bill gates is just a computer fella.

I'm just scared they're effectively taking the choice away from me if I want to see my friends and family.

I find it strange how I'm safe enough to continue working but may be deemed too unsafe to enjoy my life.

Hope you guys are all OK, and dealing with lockdown ok.

Sorry for droning on
What your saying buddy is perfectly reasonable. Perhaps as you say, talk to a health professional, ask them for the pros and cons and why it may be beneficial for you. Try if you can to read up as much as you can on the topic, and yes, tell them about your anxieties. Once you have all the information about the topic, you can make an informed choice. No one is forcing you. For what it's worth, I'm a psychy nurse, but my wife is a general nurse and she has had hers but was initially reluctant. I promise you, your normal, just arm yourself with knowledge, seek guidance and I'm sure you'll make the right choice for yourself. Take care.
I have found this lockdown extremely hard, I have a constant knot in my stomach, until recently I've been keeping things under control but I've started getting angry over little things and giving out to my lads over nothing. I've talked to my wife about it, and she's noticed it too. This is the first time in 6 years I'm feeling constantly down, I was on anti anxiety medication back then and don't want to go back to that, so I've decided that from now I'm blocking any covid talk and news, looking at daily numbers and deaths is not good for me, I've been at it for over a year and it's taking the good out of me. My next step now is to ignore whoever set up the covid thread here and then block news sites on my phone..
I have found this lockdown extremely hard, I have a constant knot in my stomach, until recently I've been keeping things under control but I've started getting angry over little things and giving out to my lads over nothing. I've talked to my wife about it, and she's noticed it too. This is the first time in 6 years I'm feeling constantly down, I was on anti anxiety medication back then and don't want to go back to that, so I've decided that from now I'm blocking any covid talk and news, looking at daily numbers and deaths is not good for me, I've been at it for over a year and it's taking the good out of me. My next step now is to ignore whoever set up the covid thread here and then block news sites on my phone..
Especially when there are such an incompetent shower of sh1ts in charge. I fully agree with your approach. I had to do something similar during the bank bailouts in 2008 as my anger was effecting my loved ones.
I have found this lockdown extremely hard, I have a constant knot in my stomach, until recently I've been keeping things under control but I've started getting angry over little things and giving out to my lads over nothing. I've talked to my wife about it, and she's noticed it too. This is the first time in 6 years I'm feeling constantly down, I was on anti anxiety medication back then and don't want to go back to that, so I've decided that from now I'm blocking any covid talk and news, looking at daily numbers and deaths is not good for me, I've been at it for over a year and it's taking the good out of me. My next step now is to ignore whoever set up the covid thread here and then block news sites on my phone..
I've ignored bully, I'll unignore once we are out the other end of this, I've installed a site blocker and blocked the news sites I've been using, I'm not on Twitter of FB so my daily doses of Covid talk are over.


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