Witchdoc you are understandably very bitter and hurt about what's gone on. My advice buddy would be to concentrate on all the things you have control over. For you that means your son. You have rights - in law - to have access to your son. When I'm not psychy nursing I volunteer for the CAB so if you feel the need you can direct message me and I can discuss with you your options. Like I say, let me know if you need practice advice IF you don't know them.
I don't know how old your son is but what I do know is he needs you in his life and he will be better for him with you in it. Concentrate and focus your positivity on his well being. You have YOUR life to live, happiness to seek and you have a lot to offer. Your self esteem has taken a knock but you are a father and he wants and needs you in his life. You CAN build your life, and find contentment and by the way fella, I wish I had your courage and character having gone through what you have. You have already demonstrated you have all the personal skills to build yourself a good life. Good luck and take care my friend.