Coolino might I suggest the following. Meet up with them and have a hear to heart, to straighten it out. Tell them you understand they love your daughter and they want to be part of her life. That is not the problem. They can see her but your wishes must be listened to. Tell them what's upsetting you and discuss with them how you can move forward. Come to an agreement your both happy with but as the parent buddy your needs come first. By being up front, your giving your parents the respect they deserve but your being honest and open and you want your concerns listened to.It's getting to the point where I think I'm genuinely going to fall out with my parents.
We had a kid in May 2020 which was obv hard enough with COViD and they keep putting on so much pressure to see her, even though they do every 2 weeks or so. Each time they do, it goes really well and everyone is happy but then I started to get weird texts asking why they can't look after her more to the point where my dad said 'since we are not part of her life' the other day so I finally snapped and told them to stop with all of this pressure as it's stressing me and my gf out loads.
They have always lived a life where they have got whatever they wanted, live in a village where they have loads of friends but none that will probably disagree with them. They constantly compared what their friends get do it (which is completely irrelevant).
I'm going for a meal with them next week for their wedding anniversary and I really cba to go. It will be all happy clappy, all fine and then the cycle of the weird texts etc will start again which annoys me even more.
We've had conversations about it and how stressed my gf is about a lot of things (she lost her auntie and nan during lockdowns) and they ask questions like 'is she even that close to her auntie' and that the nan dying was a while ago.
It's blowing my mind how insensitive they are being and how much they are thinking of themselves.
Half the time when we see them they are taking pics of her and just sending to their friends which I don't really like, our daughter and us aren't really on social media and prefer to keep things private.
They constantly compare themselves to my gf's parents, who do see her more but she has a better/different relationship with her parents and they are doing up our house. They constantly want to meet her parents but we find that awkward as her mum is black and they have made comments about people in the past that I don't agree with but think it's fine as their best friend is black.
I think I am one snarky text of saying 'she is our daughter, it's up to us etc' which I know won't go down well but I don't know what else to do. I was talking to my brother about it yesterday and he is fully on my side but yeah, it's weird.
There is no reason why your parents can't compromise. But have it out and be honest. They can't argue with your motives and " should " respect you for the consideration you have given them. Good luck buddy, I'm sure you'll sort it out.