Goin through a pretty poor time at the minute.
Relationship looks like it's over, had a bit of health scare , and head is just not in a good place. Have suffered previously and see all the signs again. Interest and motivation to do things is not there. I'll get over it I expect. But at the moment it's not nice at all.
Sorry to hear. Minus the relationship, but had some health issues and they've turned my life upside down and 5 months in I'm accepting this is going to be a difficult period to get through. But your post really reminded me of my own situation. Have no interest or desire in much at the moment it's awful. I hope you can get through this quickly ?.
Now here's where I'll selfishly ramble about it because I've always tried to keep the side of me that gets down hidden, like I think most do. I think I've been actually depressed before, but this is much worse. When it's your own mortality it selfishly hits worse. I've always thought about death, it's always really freaked me out since I learned about it as a kid. I've mostly been able to build a decent amount of faith, and while my luck has been crappy a lot, I've really always gotten what I needed to get by or have had some good luck come through when things could get really bad if they didn't. I've been dealing with a pancreatic tumor which looks to not be cancerous thankfully (if it stays that way it really does fall into my life of having shitty good luck, but I'll take it).
But man, let me tell you. The thing that scares me most about death isn't not existing, I got over the nothingness. But the one thing that kills me is if it's it, never getting to have a single conversation, embrace or anything with my mom or brother. Like I don't need anyone else in whatever this is after all the stuff we got through.
I had a large group of friends because I had like no family. And after I was in and out the hospital for a couple months, keeping it to myself, but also like not really doing anything as I was always ill. I spent all my time at the hospital, and if it wasn't there it was work, then home. I'd go stay overnight in the hospital, get pain meds and fluids all night then leave ama to go to work so I don't lose my job.
It was hell, but going through this, and part of the reason I moved back here is because I felt I couldn't replicate the relationships I had with a good deal of people I had grew up with and helped/watched/saw the situation I grew up in. And I can't lie, I realized after my illness these relationships were only valued by me. I didn't get texts or calls from these people. No one wondered why I had fell off the face of the earth.
I had to tell my dude I grew up with 3 different times I was dealing with this pancreas stuff. Like this is a guy who I've been a groomsman in a couple weddings with. These aren't people who I just met at a bar and would drink with here and there.
Yet in the end, that's really all it was. Cause I had to quit drinking and in my case, like all but 3 or 4 friendships look like they're all done. That was difficult.
Anyways I'm done. If you read this hope you get something out of it. Honestly I write some other junk here and there. It's like the only outlet thing I have at the moment. So if you can find something like that, and just let yourself go in it. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad if it helps. Just keep it to yourself if it sucks, like I shoulda done with this.