I went off with work related stress anxiety and depression at the start of May for 2 weeks, since then I've been separated from the team I worked with for 3 years and put under a different contract manager, I have now been pulled and suspended from work over an issue that's been ongoing for nearly 2 years, the old team haven't, when I returned to work I wasn't given a stress risk assessment, or an OH appointment and was asked constantly when I was coming back. There's more going on, they've added another issue that was solved and deemed low risk by health and safety, to the suspension, again an issue the whole team was responsible for but has been put on my toes, again only I have been pulled on this.
My heads a bit gone at the minute but I'm sure they can't treat someone suffering from a protected characteristic like this.
My issue is they are saying its gross misconduct, but its only just become gross misconduct when a) I went off with WRS and b) only applies to me.
Pretty sure this falls under indirect disability discrimination