I had been making a bit of progress since starting counselling in May. I had three sessions and had really opened up discussing the core triggers of my anxiety and depression. We started building an action plan to tackle how to cope with these situations.
Funny enough, I did something that triggers a 10/10 anxiety phase for me three weeks ago. It has stayed with me since and has had an effect on my work and I've been drinking heavily of a weekend to help me sleep. It even ruined a trip abroad that I had been really looking forward to beforehand.
Today I've again been informed that I won't have my regular appointment with my counsellor for the fourth week running because she is 'off sick and they don't really know when she'll be back'.
I know sickness can't be avoided, and I don't really know the severity of her situation. To be off work for four weeks suggests something pretty bad has happened. Having waited since October to finally be seen, I would have at least thought I could have been seen by a stand-in.
Telling a person who has been using their service as a crutch that they don't really know when their counsellor will be back is pretty unprofessional to me.
Just thinking aloud mate, are you in a position to pay to see someone until your regular counsellor comes back ?.