You have inadvertently taught us so much about ourselves despite not intending to. I read your posts and, at the very least, it emphasises perspective but more importantly, it makes me evaluate where I am now, & where I am going. I don't mean to load you up with any more 'issues' at the moment but you really have helped others just by sharing.
Years ago, I had my palm read in Singapore. It was uncannily accurate in a number of areas that I won't bore you with but I will let you know two of her predictions. One was that I'd never be wealthy...(#@$%!!!!)...and the other was that I'd live to 91. Now, apart from taking out Life Insurance when I'm 90, that number has made me feel somewhat bullet proof. Sure, it's a bit silly to accept the word of an elderly Chinese Lady who didn't speak English but I realised that I hadn't been concerned with my own mortality because of it. Hell, that's 40 years away! What it didn't predict was the quality of those 91 years.
Now, how does that relate to your posts? Well, perspective and context. If what she said in Singapore is all true, then there's a fair chance that the way I have treated myself these past few years could lead to the worst case scenario, low quality of life. You see, I had assumed the number was correct, but not the condition I would arrive at that number.
Some will recall my own workplace issues and the fact that although out of the toxic environment, I'm still affected by it somewhat. I don't think I'm in a spiral down, but I feel I've 'bottomed out' but haven't done anything that would help me climb back into the sunlight. Please forgive my indulgence but I have read many of your posts & I can see how they have slowly changed. It is hard to read despite not knowing you personally & not being able to simply pop over for a chat to do something...anything.
What you have reminded me of is that fact that if I do go on to 91, then I can't simply coast in from here. I have time to correct my course & use those 'alleged' years ahead.
Again, please forgive me if this is too close to the bone or harsh, but I'm speaking from the heart & avoiding any edits.
I just wanted you to know...