Hi lids, not posted in here for a while, hope everyone is doing well.
So about a fortnight ago I got went to order my prescription online like I have been doing for a good few years now, anyway the way I put my repeat in had changed and I had to phone the Drs to get some username etc, which was a massive pain in the arse, finally got it sorted and the new form already had my repeats in(or so I thought) so I simply ticked them to say i wanted them all(I'm on loads of meds).
A few days later I picked up my prescription and when I came to take them the next day I noticed my Sertraline were missing. I thought I was doing great, I've been back to normal since christmas and thought sod it, let's see how it goes, the puppy is keeping me happy n laughing and walking so why not.
About 2-3 weeks later now and my back started playing up again about 10 days ago, I've had to take time off work and can't even take the pup out because she moves around me too much. My mood and emotional state have absolutely nosedived off a cliff, I am back to crying all the time and that feeling of hopelessness(depression sufferers will understand this) has started to rear its ugly head.
I thought I was strong and doing great, yet in less than a month of not taking my tablets, it's knocked me back to last year, I hate work again and want to quit, even though I know it's not the right thing and I can't think beyond tomorrow, just can't see a future.
I just wanted to vent and put this down for myself, hope you all don't mind.