Some rambling thoughts. I haven't posted in this thread at all, as while I know people very close to me who are depressed and anxious, it's not something I relate to myself, so I didn't have a horse in this race.
However, the strange thing is I have absolutely no idea if I am depressed, or if I'm just introverted. I'm one who likes to research, to understand something and I don't have hang ups on not knowing or understanding something if it means it can lead to understanding in the future - but with my own (possible) depression, I to this day simply have no clue.
If you look it up online or even read anecdotal comments on how people feel, a lot of it seems to cross over with introversion. So how do you tell the difference?
I have a good job, self-employed, do well. I'm also a big guy in that I'm physically quite imposing (I don't say that with arrogance, I just mean I'm broad-shouldered and take up space!) yet on more than one occasion I've received feedback that people are surprised that I shy away and seem to enjoy fading into the background in social situations, completely at odds with my talents and what would be expected in advance of meeting me.
I've been a contradiction in that way most of my life. I was an stage actor/singer in my teens, comfortably performing to hundreds and yet totally avoided individual or small group social situations wherever I could. I still do - I saw stage as a one way process where I could express myself and not worry about a response and 'ad libbing' a conversation - and to this day I prefer to sit at home, play video games, be involved only with my immediate family, even avoiding my mum, dad, brothers and sisters wherever possible as it takes effort to interact even with them. I'm not incapable of talking to people; I just simply don't enjoy it.
So by this I know I'm an introvert. Yet, as I've got older, I also recognise things that don't seem to fit neatly into that personality trait. I have mood swings, from feeling decent to suddenly being extremely low, with no seeming reason for it other than worrying about something with no trigger for doing so. I suddenly get racked with self-doubt professionally, with things I was doing with ease a day or two earlier suddenly not happening - staring at a screen blank instead, waiting for something to click.
I could go on, but the crux of it is that I'm confused by myself, and I don't know if I'm over-analysing and self-exaggerating. I'm not a hypochondriac - I've literally been the doctors once in half a decade. But it simultaneously feels like there can't be something wrong as I've been largely this way my entire life, yet something feels off, and I don't know and have no idea how I could know if it's actual depression or me becoming more self-aware of how being introverted doesn't tally with how society expects you to behave and thus getting 'bummed out' by that.
So anyway, as said, a ramble more than anything. Not sure there is an answer to it but that's my reason for posting, as I can't be the only one inherently confused by just how fuzzy the definitions of it are and how misdiagnosis feels like a strong possibility.
Oh, and any offence caused by the above is completely unintentional. In no way do I mean to demean the condition; as said, there are people I closely know who are easily diagnosed with it. I'm not even afraid of being confirmed as depressed myself; I just wish I knew a way to know for sure I am.