just a little update from me
the boy is 4 months old now, most nights he sleeps from 9pm-6am, me and the wife are living the life!, the little man now brings nothing but happiness, smiles and cuddles
I am even in bed most nights a week now unless there is a reason I need to sleep on the couch (up stupidly early or whatever)
I also, for anyone who remembers the fact I stopped speaking to my whole family, got back in touch with my brother, (we didn't have a problem but I think he sided with my ma who he lives with for an easy life) i messaged him not long after the boy was born, and he decided that going against her was totally worth it, so I know have back my life, my marriage, and my brother......good times at the minute
sorry to post too much good news, don't wanna make anyone feel bad, but to put in context, ive had nothing but misery for like 18 months, so I feel like shouting now!!